
2020-09-25 教育 2794阅读

1、放鞭炮:touch off the firecracker,中国人逢年过节、婚丧嫁娶、乔迁开张常放鞭炮庆贺。

2、饺子:dumpling (with meat and vegetable stuffing); jiao zi.

3、团圆饭:family reunion dinnerreunion dinner.

4、贴对联:paste the antithetical couplet.

5、拜年:pay a New Year call; make a ceremonial call on New Year; wish sb. a Happy New Year.

6、庙会:fair; temple fair; Festival temple fair.

7、压岁钱:money given to children as a lunar New Year gift.

8、贴年画:Paste New Year pictures.

9、写春联:write Spring Festival couplets.

10、请福字: invite lucky characters.

11、剪窗花:cut window flowers.
