今天弄了台power 720,不知咋的开机用串口登陆进行了Open Firmware Prompt 模式。进去容易,出来难。捣鼓了半天,终于出来了,记录一下。呵呵!!
在SMS菜单按8,即可进入Open Firmware Prompt 模式
通过ls命令查看,没有发现 /packages设备,所以使用:dev /packages/gui obe 也没有效果。
最后,通过:reset -all命令,终于重启了。呵呵!!!!!
附个E文的:OpenFirmware on Power Systems 参考
1. What is OpenFirmware
OpenFirmware is a BIOS-like layer for Power Servers. It's very bad documented. Most of the documentation, you'll see, will speak about SMS - System Management Services. It is based on the IEEE1285 standard. Those, who likes to read standards, can read it here. Forefather of the specification was Sun. Clever papers, which I've read, say, that there are two parts of the OpenFirmware. The first, the "real" part, boots with the server itself and nobody from mere mortals can gain access to it. The second part is "virtualized" part for us, mortals. You can see it each time, when you boot LPAR with AIX or Linux. All, that is written here, is about the second, virtualized, part.
2. How to get into OpenFirmware
A lot of ways.
1. The most often used. When you boot your LPAR, press 8 (Open Firmware Prompt).
2. The "right" variant. When you activating an LPAR, choose Advanced, than Boot Mode - Open Firmware OK Prompt. For those, who doesn't understand the Life without CLI - chsysstate -m SERVER -n LPAR -f PROFILE -r lpar -o on -b of
3. If you already in SMS, you can press 0 from the main menu. SMS will ask you "Exit SMS to OK Prompt?", press Y and you are in OpenFirmware.
3. How to exit from OpenFirmware
1. You can simply continue to boot your LPAR. Type boot, press Enter, forget OpenFirmware.
2. You can reboot the LPAR. Type reset-all and press Enter.
3. One more way to leave OpenFirmware is to exit to SMS. Type "dev /packages/gui obe" (without quotes, of course) and press Enter.
4. What is ofdbg
People say, that sometimes in some special cases you can see instead of "0>" prompt "ofdbg>". It means, that you are in OpenFirmware debugger. I don't know what to do with it and how to enter it. The recommended action is - reset-all.
5. OpenFirmware prompt
Usual OpenFirmware prompt is "0>". Not quite usual, but very often you'll see another number instead of 0. It's because of the nature, not of the nature that you see around of you, but of the OpenFirmware's nature. In that nature OpenFirmware is simple Forth's interpreter. As far as I understand, prompt shows, how deep you are in the stack. But I've never worked with Forth and may mistake.
The most useful hotkeys:
Ctrl-P - print previous command
Ctrl-N - print next command
Ctrl-L - print the history of commands
Ctrl-U - delete everything from command line
6. Trip through the tree
ls, as in Unix, shows the "devices" tree. In quotes - because they are not real hardware device, but also packages and additional information, which can be useful during the LPAR's boot.
0 > ls地