
2020-05-29 教育 138阅读
1. cut sb sth 为某人切某物。如:Cut me some pineapple. 给我切几片菠萝吧。He cut me a slice of bread. 他为我切了一块面包。
2. cut sth into sth 把某物切成某物。如:He cut the apple into halves. 他把它切成了两半。
3. cut down (1) 砍倒。如:They cut down the big tree. 他们把这棵大树砍倒了。
(2) 削减,压缩,You’d better cut the article down to about 2,000 words. 你最好能把这篇文章压到两千字左右。
4. cut inin(1) 插入,插话。如:Don’t cut in when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话。(2) 插队,超车。如:He cut in at the head of the line. 他在队伍的前面插队。
5. cut off 切断,隔断,断绝。如:We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation.
6. cut out 剪成,戒掉。如:I must cut out smoking. 我必须戒烟。我必须戒烟。