The parents how to educate their children
Many people in the early formation of habits. The family is the original place of activities for individuals. Home of the various habits are the initial contact with the child to the code of conduct. For the formation of habits children have an important impact. Parents how to properly cultivate the habit of the child's behavior ?
First, parents should adjust its attitude to return to teach kids to speak, learning to walk can do so. Children living in the giant world, the heart very fragile. The specific operation in order to stimulate positive mainly to tell the child how to do it, indicating the child's development direction; appropriate reminder as a supplement, both the children face, but also to give the child a certain degree of psychological experience. One of the principles: trust kids, kids full confidence in the eyes, gestures, language, and trust in force.
The second principle: respect for the child, understand the needs of concerned about his heart and learn to listen to the child's speech, concerned about the child's mood, learning life, for him to solve problems
Principle 3: Understanding a child, that would like their children are thinking, worry about their children's worry about. Institute of companionship.
Principle 4: Incentives and discovered the child, indicating the direction of a child's development and share the joy of a child's success.
Principle 5: To understand tolerance children, to create a relaxed and harmonious environment to meet the spiritual needs of their children.
Principle 6: to remind the child, appropriate corrections, to share his difficulties and setbacks.
This is the thrust of education, number of children, the children in the process of change may be repeated, but the parents insist on doing as long as the child will gradually form a good behavior.
说春秋时候,越国有个名叫西施的姑娘,她非常美丽、漂亮,一举一动也很动人。他有心口疼的疾病,犯病时总是用手按住胸口,紧皱眉头。因为人们喜欢她,所以她这副病态,在人们眼里也妩媚可爱,楚楚动人。 西施的邻村有个丑姑娘叫东施,总是想方设法打扮自己。有一次在路上碰到西施,见西施手捂胸口,紧皱眉头,显得异常美丽。她想难怪人们说她漂亮,原来是做出这种样子。如果我也做这个姿势,肯定就变漂亮了。于是她模仿西施的病态。结果人们见了原来就丑的她,现在变成这种疯疯癫癫的样子,象见了鬼一样,赶紧把门关上。Aping a Beauty (Dong Shi Xiao Ping)
Xi Shi, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom, so she had a frown on her face when she went out. An ugly girl named Dong Shi who lived nearby saw her and thought she looked very beautiful. Therefore when she went home, she also put her hands on her bosom and had a frown on her face.
When a rich man in the neighbourhood saw her, he shut his doors tightly and did not go out. When a poor man saw her, he took his wife and children and gave her a wide berth.
She only knew Xi Shi's frown looked beautiful but she did not know the reason for its beauty.