There's a glass of water.Tasteless,worthless right.Yes,nobody of us will take care of it and nobody will lament for pouring it.Because you can have water whenever you want,you can get it anywhere,just turn on the tap or go down the store to buy a bottle of water, that is so easy!If one day there was no water around you,it was difficult to get,what would we do?I guess all of us have been through it.Before the water was cut off,we must take efforts to gather water as much as we can,and use it as less as possible so that can survive till the last day.
Well ,during these days,it makes youcherish the water resource and realize how important the water is.However,it still doesn'袭陵洞t make you take the water more seriously,because the water will comeback soon that you don't have to save water everyday.How about it lasts a mouth, and the water is less than day after day,I bet you must save water .Here's a experience about it I have,I want to share with you.
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