adj. 不明确的;未下定义的
1、 undefined record 未定义记录
2、undefined operation 未定义运算
3、undefined assets 非限定资产
4、undefined integral 不定积分
5、undefined area 未定义区域
1、 This can result in undefined and unexpected behavior, which can be difficult and time-consuming to track down.
2、 The law also adds an undefined "community-based rehabilitation" period of up to four years, effectively permitting incarceration without trial for up to seven years.
法律还增加了一个不明确的"社区康复", 期限最长为四年, 轻易地容许未经审判的监禁可长达7年之久。
3、 It is undefined behavior to call foo() with a pointer that doesn't point to at least 10 objects of type int.
用一个没有指向至少 10 个 int 类型对象的指针去调用 foo() 是不明确的行为。
4、 If you try to use them, an XML processor will fail with an undefined entity error.
如果您想使用它们,XML 处理器将失败并出现一个 undefined entity 错误。
5、The null values in the dataStore, which would by default show up as cells with the word "undefined" displayed inside, are re-rendered here as empty strings (cells with no data).
dataStore 中是空值,默认情况下单元格中显示 “undefined”,它将作为空字符串(无数据的单元格)重新呈现。