
2020-05-10 教育 69阅读
A "King" character are written on the top of its head, the way it blatantly walk how powerful ah! It a lot of small stripes is angry, is in trouble! Its claws like a knife as sharp. It was awful!
嘴里发出来的声音直叫人发颤!还有它们的胡须也是很锋利的呢!最后要说它们的尾巴了,它们的尾巴又长又厚,甩过来一定很重很重 .虽然它可怕,但是我还是很喜欢它们那威风的样子.
Mouth to send out sound whining people tremble! And their beard is very sharp! Finally to say their tails. Their tails and long and thick, dumped over some very heavy very heavy. Although it is terrible, but I still like them the imposing manner.