
2020-07-18 教育 110阅读
Lemon is a product or an investment producing poor performance. A car that continually needs repairs is a lemon, and consumers are guaranteed a full refund in several states under so-called lemon laws. A promising stock that fails to live up to expectations is also called a lemon. Lemon 是表现不好的产品或投资。一辆老是需要修理的汽车叫了lemon。即那种次品,如次品的车子。在消费市场上lemon的概念已经扩展到了次品电脑。在舞场上的次品上,一定是哪个傻乎乎的不讨她喜欢的家伙喽。例如:She was stuck with a lemon on the dance floor.她在舞场上被个讨厌的舞伴缠上了 Etymology: A "lemon" is a citrus fruit with a tart or sour (not sweet) flavor. In the 1800's, people started using the word 'lemon' to describe people who were sour (or unfriendly). Over time, 'lemon' came to refer to anything that was defective or broken. 词源:一个“lemon柠檬”是一种酸味(不是甜味)的柑桔类水果。在19世纪时,人们开始用“lemon”来形容那些尖酸(不友好)的人,事过境迁,“lemon”开始用于指任何有缺陷或损坏的东西。 参考文献: www.sxeduzx.com/edu/edu_view.asp?id=471