排名淘汰赛加附加赛的方式。 第29届奥运会乒乓球竞赛方法是:
(3)比赛顺序是: 主队 客队 第一场 A —— X
第二场 B —— Y 第三场 C+A或B —— Z+X或Y
第四场 A或B —— Z 第五场 C —— X或Y
(4)在打完前两场比赛后再确定双打运动员的出场名单。 (5)A或B及X或Y如果参加了双打比赛,就不能参加后面的单打比赛;不参加双打比赛的运动员才可以参加后面的单打比赛。 单打比赛——采用与第28届奥运会相同形式的排名淘汰赛加铜牌附加赛。如果团体赛的名额用不完再分配给单打,使
男女单打人数超过64人,将增加一轮预选赛。 A game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring 11 points unless both players or pairs score 10 points, when
the game shall be won by the first player or pair
subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points.
In a team event, players may receive advice from anyone. In an individual event, a player or pair may receive advice only from one person, designated beforehand to the umpire, except that where the players of a doubles pair are from different Associations each may designate an adviser, but
with regard to 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 these two advisors shall be treated as a unit; if an unauthorised person gives advice the umpire shall hold up a red card and send him away from
the playing area.
Players may receive advice only during the intervals between games or during other authorised suspension of play, and not between the end of practice and the start of a match; if any authorised person gives advice at other times the umpire shall hold up a yellow card to warn him that any further such offence will result in his dismissal from the
playing area. Misbehaviour
Players and coaches or other advisers shall refrain from behaviour that may unfairly affect an opponent, offend spectators or bring the sport into disrepute, such as abusive language, deliberately breaking the ball or hitting it out of the playing area, kicking the table or
surrounds and disrespect of match officials. If at any time a player, a coach or another adviser commits a serious offence the umpire shall suspend play and report immediately to the referee; for less serious
offences the umpire may, on the first occasion, hold up a yellow card and warn the offender that any further offence
is liable to incur penalties.
Except as provided in and, if a player who has been warned commits a second offence in the same individual match or team match, the umpire shall award 1 point to the offenders opponent and for a further offence he shall award 2 points, each time holding up a yellow and
a red card together.
Good Presentation
Players, coaches and officials shall uphold the object of good presentation of the sport; in particular players have to do their utmost to win a match and shall not withdraw
except for reasons of illness or injury. Any player who deliberately fails to comply with these principles shall be disciplined by total or partial loss of prize money in prize events and/or by suspension from
ITTF events.
In the event of complicity proven against any adviser or official the relevant national Association is also
expected to discipline this person.