求Celine. Dion. 的《taking chances》整篇歌词的中文翻译!!!

2020-10-29 音乐 99阅读
歌名:Taking Chances
歌手:Celine Dion
专辑:Taking Chances
[00:14.59]Don't know much about your life./你的生活 我感觉陌生
[00:19.94]Don't know much about your world, but/你的世界 我不熟悉
[00:25.21]Don't want to be alone tonight On this planet they call earth,/但今夜在这浩瀚地球我不想孤单一人
[00:36.49]You don't know about my past, and/我的过去 你不了解
[00:41.90]I don't have a future figured out./我的未来 难以预料
[00:47.21]And maybe this is going too fast./也许这一切发生的太快
[00:52.74]And maybe it's not meant to last,/也许感情注定无法长久
[00:59.68]But what do you say to taking chances,/但你愿不愿意为爱冒险
[01:05.43]What do you say to jumping off the edge?/你愿不愿意为爱抛开顾忌
[01:12.66]Never knowing if there's solid ground below/不管没有没坚若磐石的依靠
[01:20.28]Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,/或牵引的双手 付出代价
[01:27.41]What do you say,/你愿不愿意
[01:32.91]What do you say?/你愿不愿意
[01:39.64]I just want to start again,/我只想重新开始
[01:44.95]And maybe you could show me how to try,/也许你能告诉我该怎麼做
[01:50.39]And maybe you could take me in,/或许在你心深处某个角落
[01:55.68]Somewhere underneath your skin?/还有可容纳我之处
[01:59.86]What do you say to taking chances,/但你愿不愿意为爱冒险
[02:05.24]What do you say to jumping off the edge?/你愿不愿意为爱抛开顾忌
[02:12.23]Never knowing if there's solid ground below/不管有没有坚若磐石的依靠
[02:19.83]Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,/或牵引的双手 付出代价
[02:26.78]What do you say,/你愿不愿意
[02:32.21]What do you say?/你愿不愿意
[02:37.40]And I had my heart beaten down,/我曾被爱彻底击垮
[02:41.34]But I always come back for more, yeah/但我永远不会退缩.
[02:44.08]There's nothing like love to pull you up/,当你一蹶不振的时候
[02:46.62]When you're laying down on the floor there./只有爱才能鼓舞你前进
[02:49.59]So talk to me, talk to me,/对我倾诉 向我诉说
[02:51.99]Like lovers do./像恋人般亲密
[02:54.81]Yeah walk with me, walk with me/,和我漫步 携手共行
[02:57.40]Like lovers do/,就像恋人般亲密
[03:02.97]Like lovers do./像恋人般亲密
[03:10.03]What do you say to taking chances,/但你愿不愿意为爱冒险
[03:15.28]What do you say to jumping off the edge?/你愿不愿意为爱抛开顾忌
[03:22.44]Never knowing if there's solid ground below/不管有没有坚若磐石的依靠
[03:29.95]Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,/或牵引的双手 付出代价
[03:37.11]What do you say,/你愿不愿意
[03:42.29]What do you say?/你愿不愿意
[03:49.28]Don't know much about your life/对你的生活 感到陌生
[03:54.57]And I don't know much about your world./对你的世界 并不熟悉