honor the price什么意思

2020-05-25 教育 166阅读
We suggest if you connot honor the price proposal of the remaining 7 contracts,we will split the difference of your price increase of0.1.Surely hope you understand our current position.Please forward contracts to us before we depart for China,so if there are any corrections we can do this at a later date.
split the difference :是‘折中’,‘妥协’的意思.不是‘分开’.
suggest :这儿应该翻译为‘建议’
depart for China:这儿是指‘前往中国’.不是‘离开中国’.
We suggest if you connot honor the price proposal of the remaining 7 contracts,we will split the difference of your price increase of0.1. Surely hope you understand our current position. Please forward contracts to us before we depart for China, so if there are any corrections we can do this at a later date.