
2020-05-19 教育 177阅读

A hard/tough nut (to crack) “ 难对付的人”或者“难办的事”, 例句:

The problem is a hard nut to crack. 这个问题可真是难办啊。

He's a tough nut,but I think I can get him to agree to the contract.


Elephant in the room 意识到却又避而不提的问题。 例句:

Your drunk friend gonna be the elephant in the room. 你那个喝醉的朋友可是头上的虱子明摆着的。

Long shot 表示不太可能成功的努力或尝试。

例:I hope to double my profits, but I know that's a long shot.


Tall order 要求太高太离谱可以用这个短语来表达,大喊难办也是绝了。

Getting the project done on schedule is going to be a tall order. 按时完成项目实在太难了。
