
2020-10-01 教育 162阅读
The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), founded in 1917, is a top-ranked, world-renowned research university. As the oldest financial university in China, SUFE has developed its own spirit over the years. SUFE places much emphasis on being industrious, having a consciousness of all things economic, and making contributions to society. With SUFE now increasingly opening itself to the outside world, it aims to showcase this spirit as well as its outstanding teaching quality.
Focusing on Applied Economics and Management Science, SUFE’s approach is multidisciplinary, utilizing elements of finance, economics, management, law and science. China’s rapid economic expansion has much impacted SUFE, which is now bustling with activity. In 1981, SUFE became the first financial university awarded the right to grant doctoral degrees. In addition, it was among the first nine schools to be selected as an MBA Experimental Education Base and one of the first schools to set up a post-doctoral program in economics. In 1996, SUFE joined the “211 Project,” a program to build 100 key universities, after a fierce competition, and in the same year, it also became a member of another national project to build outstanding universities. In 2002, SUFE became the first mainland university to offer master’s programs in Hong Kong. Moreover, all of its programs continue to exceed world standards and are imbued with modernity, internationality and cutting-edge information.
以上为上财简介。至于你说的英语系,上财是没有的,只有一个外语系即Department of Foreign Languages。下设英语、日语、大学英语和商务英语四个方向,介绍如下:
Established in September 1993, the Department of Foreign Languages has 4 teaching and research sections, namely English, Japanese, College English and Business English. In addition, it has a Digital Language Laboratory and a Center for Canadian Studies. The Department offers 1 master program in English Language and Literature and two undergraduate programs: English and Japanese, and is also responsible for teaching English to non-English major undergraduate and graduate students at the university. Among the 56 faculty members there are 4 professors and 13 associate professors. 16 of our faculty members have PhD degrees. Most of our faculty members have the experience of studying, lecturing or working abroad. At present there are 12 international English and Japanese language and culture instructors working in our Department.
The Department has attached great importance to tapping the overall strength of the university as well as of its own faculty. It endeavors to foster talents with a strong foreign language background and knowledge of finance and economics in an effort to build a reputation for its academic programs. Besides laying a solid foundation in foreign languages, the Department provides opportunities for outstanding students to study for a second degree in the fields of international accounting, finance and business administration, etc. In order to create a favorable environment for learning, to expand the students' scope of knowledge, and sharpen their competitive edge in the job market, the Department also organizes a number of regular extracurricular activities, such as short term intensive English and culture programs in Canada, Foreign Language Festivals and International Cultural Week.

Core courses for the English program
Advanced English Reading, Advanced English Writing, English and American Literature, A Survey of the UK and the USA, Cross-culture Communication, Translation Theory and Practice, Oral Interpretation for Business and Trade, Business Writing, Western Economics, Money and Banking, Accounting, Computer Application, etc.
Core courses for the Japanese program
Advanced Japanese Reading, Advanced Japanese Writing, Japanese Literature, A Survey of Japan, History of Japanese Culture, Translation Theory and Practice, Oral Interpretation, Business Writing, Western Economics, Money and Banking, Accounting, Computer Application, etc.
In order to further develop itself, the Department has, over the past three years, hosted 5 national academic conferences and invited scores of well-known scholars from home and abroad to give lectures and presentations to our faculty and students. In recent years the university has invested heavily in upgrading our teaching facilities, such as digital language labs, multi-media teaching equipment and satellite broadcasting system as well as computer servers. The Department library has also purchased a large number of newly published books on linguistics and literature and maintained steady subscriptions to the main academic journals.