
2020-05-21 教育 113阅读
section 1:学冲浪的三个班的介绍,private, campus,trip三个班行的价格,地点
section2: 公司搬地址, 为什么搬,搬到哪里,之前和当天做什么,设备,会议室,lunch room怎么办,题型以选择为主。
section3:在路上问路人他们的shopping habits,多久,花多少钱,什么东西难买,等。填空+多选5选3,难度大,快。
section4:有机农业的种植,organic farming。好处,与传统farming的区别,成熟期不同。缺点,昆虫多。7个填空,三个选择。
Section 1
1-10 table completion
1. 2 hours
2. sandy beach
3. $ 495
4. a hotel
5. need to pay for your own transport
6. Mexico
7. best time to go in December
7-10 Completion
7. the most difficult thing is to learn how to turn
8. Reservation made on 17th, March
9. copies for insurances
10. manager’s surname, Fletcher
Section 2
11-16 multiple choices
11. Why does the company move
A. the lease ends (租期到期) B. the lease changed
C. for expansion
12. the new location is close to
A. printersB. a transport centre C. the Clients
13. What should you do to the old furniture
A. move to the new company
B. sell them to the public
C. given to friends
14. What stock do in the next few weeks
A. threw away all the old files
15. What are employees expect to do in moving days
A. stay at home
Section 3
21-24 Completion
21. Occupation: Cashier
22.how much a customer spent per trip in a supermarket every time £50
23. where to shop: big department store
24. difficult to buy item: jeans(as it takes a long time to try them on every time)
25. about 50%=£45
26. about 15%=£75
27.about 35%=£20
28-30 多选
People believe what are the most difficult purchase items are:
A. sweaters
B. books
C. living expenses
D. shoes
E. trousers
31-40 Completion
31. Organic farming advantage: it is sustainable
32.To boost the sales
33. saves necessary energy
34. good for soil: double insects
35. Sustainable vegetable for example: potato
36. Winter weed production 10%lower than it used to be
37.Including organic grass
38-40 Multiple Choice
38. What happened to organic farming in India
A. yield increase
B. farmers are reluctant to accept organic farming
C. farmers can apply organic farming successfully by following the instructions
39. Conclusion in an international organic farming review focus on:
A. Organic farming is beneficial to wildlife
40. Speakers thinks the main advantage of organic farming is?
A depends on consumers
Passage 1
A. Tom Flamson
B. Elke Aimmerman
C. Robert Provine
D. Jack Panksep
1. 婴儿和黑猩猩发出笑声相似 B
2. 灵长类动物不是唯一会发出笑声的动物 D
3. 笑表示了我们感到安全和容易相处 A
4. 笑是礼貌的回应,不是幽默本身 C
5. 动物笑声的进化发生在人类笑声进化之前 B
7-10 Summary Completion (有备选)
I play
C origins
G Primates
E confidence
11-13 判断
11. 不论男性女性,和同性别成员在一起时,他们都笑得更多 Not Given
12. 灵长类动物缺少同人类一样的有效呼吸控制来发出笑声 True
13. 相比于鼠类,黑猩猩会在更多的场合发出笑声 Not Given
Part 2,Describe a close friend
P1 work or study,major,house or apartment
P2 a long journey
P3 你国家的人喜欢旅游吗?年轻人喜欢旅游吗?年轻人喜欢去什么地方旅游,为什么?喜欢什么交通工具?
Part1:居住环境。觉得有一两个特好的朋友好还是一群泛泛之交好。喜不喜欢nature place?
part 2 感觉像新题
was like the prize you want to win.
Part 3 围绕 what kind of rewards teacher give to the children, parents give rewards to their children,employers give to their employees
part1: do you like where you live now? How do people usually
celebrate birthday? Why celebrate?
Part2: a indoor game that you played
when you were a child
Part3: what indoor games do children play now? Is
outdoor activities good for kids?
A类小作文:table表格,竖着6个国家(韩国,美国)的垃圾的排放量millions of tons,横向三年1980 1990 2000
A类大作文:有人认为商店里不应该卖科学上证明对身体有害的food and drink,agree or disagree?