海德堡的英语简介 急!急!急!急!

2020-06-23 教育 115阅读
海德堡(-{Heidelberg}-)是德国巴登-符腾堡州的城市,位于斯图加特和法兰克福之间。2002年城市方圆109平方千米内有人口140,000。 海德堡坐落于内卡河畔。内卡河在此处由狭窄而陡峭的 Odenwald 山谷流向莱茵河河谷,并与莱茵河在海德堡西北20千米的曼海姆交汇。著名的海德堡城堡位于高出内卡河200米的 Knigstuhl 山上,俯视狭长的海德堡老城。著名诗人歌德曾经漫步环绕城堡的公园。 海德堡是一个充满活力的传统和现代混合体。过去它曾是科学和艺术的中心,如今的海德堡延续传统,在城市内和城市附近建有许多研究中心。 海德堡不仅有着引以为荣的中世纪城堡,它还拥有欧洲最古老的教育机构之一——海德堡大学。[这儿还有世界闻名的欧洲汉学中心。]曾在海德堡大学学习和工作的著名思想家有黑格尔、诠释学哲学家伽达默尔(Hans-Georg Gadamer)、社会学家哈贝马斯以及 the discourse philosopher 卡尔-奥托阿佩尔(Karl-Otto Apel)。 海德堡大学最重要的学生当属1817年发明自行车的 Karl Drais。 Heidelberg (hī'dlbrkh) , city (1994 pop. 139,430), Baden-Württemberg, SW Germany, picturesquely situated on the Neckar River. Manufactures include machinery, precision instruments, leather goods, and tobacco and wood products. Most important to Heidelberg, however, is the tourism industry. Primarily focused on the Heidelberg Castle, the trade brings in several million visitors per year. Heidelberg was first mentioned in the 12th cent. In 1225 it was acquired by the count palatine of the Rhine and until 1720 was the residence of the electors palatine (see Palatinate). The Univ. of Heidelberg (Ruprecht-Karl-Universitt) was founded in 1386 by Elector Rupert I and is the oldest German-speaking university after those in Prague and Vienna. It became a bulwark of the Reformation in the 16th cent., declined after the Thirty Years War (1618–48), and, recovering after the French Revolutionary Wars, became the leading university of 19th-century Germany. Student life in 19th-century Heidelberg, with its duels, songs, and romance, has been much publicized. The university's professors have included noted theologians, the chemist R. W. Bunsen, and the sociologist Max Weber. Since 1952 the city has been the headquarters of the U.S. army in Europe. Heidelberg is famous for its ruined castle (built mainly in the 16th and early 17th cent.), which was largely destroyed by French troops in the late 17th cent. In the castle's cellar is the Heidelberg Tun, a gigantic wine cask with a capacity of c.58,080 gal (2,200 hectoliters). Other points of interest in Heidelberg include the city hall (1701–03) and the Philosophenweg (Philosopher's Way), a path overlooking the city. The Heidelberg Catechism was a profession of faith of the German Reformed (Calvinistic) Church, drawn up at the request of Elector Frederick III and published in 1563. It gained wide repute and was adopted by several Reformed churches.