阅读ohama eats,and americans eat with him!

2020-06-17 教育 82阅读
1. Coca-Cola isthebest-selling soft (non-alcoholic) drink in the world. 165 million"Cokes" are sold every day,fromthe equator tothe Arctic. Butwhereasoutside the USACoketendsto bea young person's drink,insidethe USAanybody of any age orincomecan drink it without embarrassment onany occasion.
1.可口可乐是全世界销路最好的软饮料(不含酒精的饮料)。从赤道到北极,可口可乐每天的销售量为1.65亿瓶。在美国(inside the USA),任何人,不论年龄大小、收入多少,都可以在任何场合(on any occasion)饮用可口可乐而不至于有任何不自在的感觉。但在美国之外(outside the USA),可口可乐往往是青年人的饮料。
2. Coke is notthe only "cola" drink. Pepsi Cola is a well-known rival and has its devotees,forit isnot as sweet asCoke. Coladrinks contain caffeinefromthe kola nutandarethe only soft drinkswhich arestimulating as well as refreshing.
2.可口可乐不是唯一的可乐饮料。百事可乐是它的著名竞争对手并拥有自己的爱好者,因为(for)它不像可口可乐那么甜。可乐饮料含有从可拉果中提取的咖啡因,并且是唯一的既可提神又有刺激性的软饮料(which are stimulating aswell as refreshing)。(第1,2两段讲可乐:可口可乐,百事可乐)
3. There are excellent winesproducedin Californiawhichare praised by Europeanconnoisseurs, but some Americanspreferstronger stuff. Well-off Americansconsumea lot of alcohol in the form of cocktails-mixturesbasedon spirits like whisky, gin and vodka.
4. Hamburgers and hot dogs areperhapsthe best known American foods.Hot dogs-sausages between bread rolls-canbe boughtin snack barsandfromhot dog standson streetcorners. And from San Francisco to New York, incheap or medium-pricedrestaurants, hamburgers will beonall the menus, in company with steaks, fried chicken and seafood. They come with French fries and crisp green salad.In most cases it is certainly good value for money.For dessert youwill be offeredapple pie, cheesecake, chocolate layer cake, ice cream and ice cream sundaes.No ice cream in the world ismoredelicious thanAmerican ice cream.
4.汉堡包和热狗也许是最著名的美国食品了。热狗-面包卷夹香肠-可以在街角(on street corners)的小吃店和热狗摊(in snack bars and from hotdog stands)上买到。从旧金山到纽约的中小饭馆,所有菜单上都有汉堡包,它与牛排、炸鸡和海味并列(in company with …)。它们与炸薯条和新鲜色拉搁在一起出售(come with …)。在多数情况下,这笔钱当然值得一花。要甜点心的话,你可以点(be offered)苹果馅饼、乳酪蛋糕、巧克力夹心蛋糕、冰淇淋和冰淇淋圣代。世界上没有哪个地方的冰激淋比美国的更好吃了。(第4段讲汉堡包、热狗和甜点)
5. The American passion for speedhas now hit the food business.Many restaurants, in particular the great chain restaurant company, Macdonald's,specialize in fast food", foodwhichis served atthe counter ready "to go", or "to take out". Thefood,cookedand hot, is packed into cardboard andplastic containers, and hot drinks go into plastic cupswithtight-fitting lids. There are alsodrive-in fastfood restaurants,wherethe customer does not evenhave to leave his or her car. They first stopat a boardwherethe menu is displayed,give an order through a microphone and then drive another twenty yards,whereagirlhands them the meal, readycooked and packed. Peoplewhoprefer to eatat a table in the restaurantalso receive their food in cardboard orplastic containers, and the knives, forks and spoons are plastic, too.Whenthey have finished, customers throw everythingexceptthe trayinto a trash can.
5.美国人追求“快”的激情目前已经影响到了饮食业。许多饭馆,尤其是大型连锁饮食公司,像“麦当劳”,专门做 “快餐”(specialize in fast food),也就是在柜台随时可以买到或带走的食物。饭菜做好了,趁热就装进纸板或塑料制的容器。热饮料则装入盖子盖得很严的(with tight-fitting lids)塑料杯中。还有服务到车上的“路旁”快餐店,顾客甚至用不着离开小汽车。他们先在一块写有菜单的牌子前停车,通过麦克风订饭菜,然后再往前开20码,就有女服务员递上做好并装在盒里的饭菜。愿意在饭馆里坐在餐桌边进餐的人的饭菜也同样装在纸板或塑料制的容器中,刀、叉、汤匙也都是塑料做的。顾客吃完了,除了盘子以外,其余都扔进垃圾箱。(第5段讲快餐)
6. In most cities, large and small, youcan eat Mexican or Italian food. And even small towns have a coffee shopservingsimple meals, drinks of all kinds-andexcellent,freshly-made coffee. You sitatthe counter, or are servedata table. Service in restaurants and coffee shops isefficientand friendly. Waiters andwaitresses often introduce themselves. "Hi! I am Don (Debbie). What can Iget youfolks?" This friendliness is natural and notentirelyinfluenced by the hope of a high tip.In any case, people usuallytip15% of the check. One ofthe pleasantest thingsaboutwaiters and waitresses isthattheyrefill your coffee cup several times for no extracharge!
6.在大多数城市里,无论大城市还是小城市,你都可以吃到墨西哥食品或意大利食品。甚至小镇上也有咖啡馆提供简单的饭菜、各种饮料和非常好的刚煮好的咖啡(excellent, freshly-madecoffee)。你坐在柜台边或桌旁就行。饭店和咖啡馆的服务热情周到,效率很高。男女服务员经常自我介绍:“我是多恩(或德比)。您要点什么?(我能为您做点什么?)”这种友好毫不做作,也并不完全是想多得小费。一般,人们常另付账单金额的15%作为小费。男女服务员最讨人喜欢的一点是他们屡次三番把你的咖啡杯重新斟满而不再加收钱!