英语作文~80词左右。初二水平`2010年7.8月新闻,6篇。各位亲爱的们~救救我把~ 8月26号之前写出来啊~谢啦

2020-09-23 国际 205阅读
1111巴基斯坦接受宿敌印度的洪灾援助 Pakistan Accepts Rival India's Offer of Flood Aid
巴基斯坦表示,它将接受印度提供的5百万美元的水灾援助。这是两个长期敌对国家表现出来的罕见的友好姿态。 巴基斯坦正在经历该国历史上最严重的灾难。
Pakistan says it will accept $5 million in flood aid from India, a rare gesture of goodwill between the longtime rivals as Pakistan deals with one of the worst disasters in its history.
In an interview with India's NDTV television Friday, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi called the aid a "very welcome initiative."
A spokesman for India's foreign office (Vishnu Prakash) called the flood aid a "goodwill gesture in the spirit of solidarity" with the people of Pakistan. The nuclear-armed nations have fought three wars.
Monsoon rains triggered the floods which have killed up to 1,600 people and affected 20 million people in one-fifth of Pakistan's territory. The disaster has marooned villages, wiped out infrastructure, destroyed crops and killed livestock.
The United Nations says eight million people are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, and has appealed for $460 million in international aid. Roughly 60-percent of that goal has been given or pledged.
中国农行股票销售创记录 Chinese Bank Stock Sale Sets Record 中国农业银行说,他们在上个月首次上市股票,筹集到创世界记录的221亿美元。



The Agricultural Bank of China says it raised a world record $22.1 billion in its initial public offering of stock last month.

The stock offering was expanded to meet demand from investors.

The money raised by the initial stock sale exceeds the previous record set several years ago by another Chinese bank.

The Beijing-based lender is the last of the major Chinese banks to offer stock to the public, wrapping up a lengthy overhaul of the nation's banking industry.
33333中国延长谷歌营运执照 China Renews Google's License to OperateE
Google says its license to operate in China has been renewed. The U.S.-based Internet company issued a short announcement Friday, ending weeks of speculation whether it would be permitted to continue serving the world's largest online community.
The statement said Google's license has been renewed and that it looks forward to continuing to offer web search and other services in China. The Chinese government has not yet commented publicly.
Google announced late last month that it was changing its policies in response to threats that its license would be withdrawn.
Google this year began to automatically transfer Chinese users to an uncensored website in Hong Kong. But since late June, the Internet company has instead provided a link on its China home page allowing users to go to the Hong Kong site themselves.
44444[2008-10-23]中国称陈云林仍计划访问台湾 MAIN: CHINA - TAIWAN
China says its top negotiator on Taiwan policy still plans to visit the island soon, despite an attack earlier this week on a visiting Chinese official by pro-independence activists.
Officials in both Taiwan and China have condemned the attack and say Chen Yunlin's trip is going ahead as planned. Although no specific date has been given for the visit, media in Taiwan say it is expected to start November third. Chen heads China's top government body on relations with Taiwan (the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits).
On Wednesday, his deputy, Zhang Mingqing, cut short a private visit to Taiwan after he was accosted by protesters and pushed to the ground.
Taiwan and China split at the end of a civil war in 1949, but relations have improved somewhat in recent years.
5555[2008-9-25]中国进行第三次载人宇宙飞船使命 China Launches Third Manned Space Mission
China's third manned spacecraft has taken off on a 68-hour mission that will include the nation's first space walk. Today's (Thursday's) launch of the Shenzhou Seven or "sacred vessel" was broadcast live on state-run television. During the voyage, which is China's riskiest to date, one of the spacecraft's three crew members will carry out a 40-minute walk in space. During that walk, the astronaut or "taikonaut" also will test a new Chinese-made spacesuit.
Shenzhou Seven will orbit the Earth at an altitude of 343 kilometers. Hours before the launch, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with the three taikonauts, wishing them success on their mission. Mr. Hu said the mission represents the lofty aspirations of China's Communist Party leaders as well as the people of China.
6666[2010-8-17]中国和国际原子能机构签署合作协议 China, IAEA, Sign Nuclear Cooperation Agreement




China and the International Atomic Energy Agency have pledged to work together to improve nuclear security in East Asia.

A new agreement also requires the two to cooperate more closely in such areas as staff training and regulations and standards.

The deal was signed Tuesday during a visit to Beijing by Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano, who became head of the IAEA in December. China Atomic Energy Authority Chairman Chen Qiufa signed for China.

Reports from the meeting did not mention North Korea, which says it has tested nuclear weapons and is considered the most serious threat to nuclear security in the region.

China is North Korea's most important supplier of aid and essential goods.