
2020-04-28 教育 105阅读
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CD28 经典诗歌精选
曲目编号 内容 朗读者
1 Francesco Petrarch(弗朗希斯科?彼特拉克)It was The Morning(那天早晨) Nicholas Krippendorf
2 The Eyes That Drew from Me(吸引我的眼睛) Nicholas Krippendorf
3 Christopher Marlowe(克利斯 朵夫?马洛)The Passionate Shepherd to His Love(热恋中的牧羊人致情人) Nicholas Krippendorf
4 William Shakespeare(威廉?莎士比亚)Sonnet 18 Nicholas Krippendorf
5 Sonnet 29 Nicholas Krippendorf
6 Ben Johson(本?琼森)Song to Celia(致西利娅) Nicholas Krippendorf
7 William Blake(威廉?布莱克)The Lamb(羔羊) Nicholas Krippendorf
8 The Tiger(老虎) Nicholas Krippendorf
9 Robert Burns(罗伯特?彭斯)A Red,Red Rose(一支红红的玫瑰) Darlene Lee
10 Auld Lang Syne(往昔时光) Darlene Lee
11 William Wordsworth(威廉?华兹华斯)She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways(她行走在无人走过的路上) Nicholas Krippendorf
12 To Cuckoo(致杜鹃) Nicholas Krippendorf
13 Walter Scott(沃尔特?司各特)The Pride of Youth(青春的自豪) Darlene Lee
14 George Gordon Byron(乔治?戈登?拜伦)When we two parted(当我们分别时) Nicholas Krippendorf
15-19 Percy Bysshe Shelley(波西?比希?雪莱)Ode to the West Wild(西风颂) Nicholas Krippendorf
20 John Keats(约翰?济慈)The Day Is Gone,And All Its Sweets Are Gone!(那一天来了,所有甜蜜的东西都失去了) Darlene Lee
21 When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be(我有一种恐惧) Darlene Lee
22 Mrs.Browning(白朗宁夫人)How DO I Love Thee?(我怎样爱你) Darlene Lee
23 The Face of all the World is changed(世界的面目改变了) Darlene Lee
24 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(亨利?华兹华斯?朗费罗)A Psalm of Life(人生礼赞) Darlene Lee
25 It Is Not Always May(人生不总是在阳光明媚) Darlene Lee
26 Alfred Tennyson(阿尔弗雷德?丁尼生)Break,Break,Break(冲击,冲击,冲击) Nicholas Krippendorf
27 Crossing the Bar(过沙州) Nicholas Krippendorf
28 Edgar Allan Poe(埃德加?爱伦?坡)Annabel Lee(安娜贝尔丽) Nicholas Krippendorf
29 Robert Browning(罗伯特?白朗宁)Home Thoughts From Abroad(海外乡愁) Darlene Lee
30 John Grey(约翰?格雷)Daily Creed(每天的信条) Darlene Lee
31 Frances Harper(弗朗西斯?哈泼)My Mother’s Kiss(母亲的吻) Darlene Lee
32 Home,Sweet Home(家,甜蜜的家) Darlene Lee
33 Emily Dickinson(爱弥丽?狄金森)The Chariot(四轮马车) Darlene Lee
34 Mother Nature(自然之母) Darlene Lee
35 Sidney Lanier(西德尼?兰尼尔)Life and Song(生活和歌唱) Darlene Lee
36 Robert Frost(罗伯特?弗罗斯特)Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening(雪夜林边驻足) Nicholas Krippendorf
37 The Road Not Taken(未走过的路) Nicholas Krippendorf
38 Sara Teasdale(萨拉?提斯代尔)Child,Child(孩子,孩子) Darlene Lee
39 Love Me(爱我) Darlene Lee
40 E.E.Cummings(依?依?肯明斯)Love is More Thicker than Forget(爱情比忘却更深厚) Darlene Lee
41 Pablo Neruda(帕布罗?聂鲁达)Ode To The Sea(致大海) Nicholas Krippendorf
42 Carl Shapiro(卡尔?夏皮罗)Nostalgia(怀旧) Darlene Lee