1 容声冰箱产品总 General Presidents office of 容声 Refrigerator Products 2 容声冰箱部 容声 Refrigerator Department3 海信冰箱产品总 General Presidents office of Hisense Refrigerator Products 4 海信冰箱部 Hisense Refrigerator Department5 科龙空调产品总 General Presidents office of Technosaurus Air Conditioner Products 6 科龙空调部 Technosaurus Air Conditioner Department7 海信空调产品总 General Presidents office of Hisense Air Conditioner Products 8 海信空调部 Hisense Air Conditioner Department9 海信洗衣机部 Hisense Washing Machine Department10 冰柜产品部 Cooler Products 11 市场部 Marketing Department12 综管办 General Management Office 13 计划财务部 Financing plan Department14 服务管理中心 Service Management Centre 15 会议室(一)Meeting Room (1)16 会议室(二)Meeting Room (2)17 资料室 Data Room18 洗手间 Wash Room19 机房 Computer Room