in the first place与at the first place有什么区别

2020-04-26 教育 1405阅读

in the first place与at the first place的区别:

1、in the first place 的意思是:从一开始,起初,首先, 第一。

2、at the first place的意思是:在第一个地方


in the first place

1. I don't think we should have been there in the first place.


2. I'm amazed they had the cheek to ask in the first place.


3. What brought you to Washington in the first place?


4. Why did you choose basketball in the first place?

你为何首先选择篮球 呢 ?

5. It was a shooting star that propelled me into astronomy in the first place.


at the first place

1. The world today should put peace and development at the first place.


2. It takes humanity, science technology and high quality at the first place.

以人性化 、 科技化、高品质的户外雨阳篷用品为中心.

3. Once you look back, you'll find that I still standing at the first place.

如果你曾回头看看, 就会发现我一直守在最初的地方.

4. At the meeting, he pointed out that agriculture should be at the first place.

在会上, 他指出农业应当摆在第一位.

5. Thisbe stole out and arrived first at the trysting - place.


6. Would the signal box be the first place the train stopped at after it left Liverpool?

