
2020-09-14 母婴育儿 88阅读









Ten ways to build your child's self-esteem
by Sarah Henry

[来自BabyCenter 网站]
Nurturing your preschooler's self-esteem may
seem like a hefty responsibility. After all, a feeling of self-worth lays the
foundation for your preschooler's future as he sets out to try new things on his
own. "Self-esteem comes from having a sense of belonging, believing that we're
capable, and knowing our contributions are valued and worthwhile," says
California family therapist Jane Nelsen, co-author of the Positive
Discipline series.
"As any parent knows, self-esteem is a fleeting
experience," says Nelsen. "Sometimes we feel good about ourselves and sometimes
we don't. What we're really trying to teach our kids are life skills like
resiliency." Your goal as a person is to ensure that your child develops pride
and self-respect — in himself and in his cultural roots — as well as faith in
his ability to handle life's challenges (for a preschooler that may mean copying
capital letters accurately). Here are ten simple strategies to help boost your
child's self-esteem:
Give unconditional love. A child's
self-esteem flourishes with the kind of no-strings-attached devotion that says,
"I love you, no matter who you are or what you do." Your child benefits the most
when you accept him for who he is regardless of his strengths, difficulties,
temperament, or abilities. So lavish him with love. Give him plenty of cuddles,
kisses, and pats on the shoulder. And don't forget to tell him how much you love
him. When you do have to correct your child, make it clear that it's his
behavior — not him — that's unacceptable. For instance, instead of
saying, "You're a naughty boy! Why can't you be good?" say, "Pushing Gabriel
isn't nice. It can hurt. Please don't push."
attention. Carve out time to give your preschooler your undivided
attention. That does wonders for your child's self-worth because it sends the
message that you think he's important and valuable. It doesn't have to take a
lot of time; it just means taking a moment to stop flicking through the mail if
he's trying to talk with you or turning off the TV long enough to answer a
question. Make eye contact so it's clear that you're really listening to what
he's saying. When you're strapped for time, let your child know it
without ignoring his needs. Say, "Tell me all about the picture you drew, and
then when you're finished, I'll need to make our dinner."
limits. Establish a few reasonable rules for your preschooler. For
instance, if you tell your child he has to eat his snack in the kitchen, don't
let him wander around the family room with his crackers and fruit the next day.
Or if you tell him to put his dirty clothes in the laundry basket, don't say
it's okay to pile them on the floor. Knowing that certain family rules are set
in stone will help him feel more secure. It may take constant repetition on your
part, but he'll start to live by your expectations soon enough. Just be clear
and consistent and show him that you trust him to do the right
Support healthy risks. Encourage your child to
explore something new, such as trying a different food, finding a best pal, or
riding a bike. Though there's always the possibility of failure, without risk
there's little opportunity for success. So let your child safely experiment, and
resist the urge to intervene. For instance, try not to "rescue" him if he's
showing mild frustration at figuring out a new toy. Even jumping in to say,
"I'll do it" can foster dependence and diminish your child's confidence. You'll
build his self-esteem by balancing your need to protect him with his need to
tackle new tasks.
Let mistakes happen. The flip side, of
course, of having choices and taking risks is that sometimes your child is bound
to make mistakes. These are valuable lessons for your child's confidence. So if
your child puts his plate too close to the edge of the table and it tips,
encourage him to think about what he might do differently next time. That way
his self-esteem won't sag and he'll understand that it's okay to make mistakes
sometimes. When you goof up yourself, admit it, says Daniel Meier, assistant
professor of elementary education at San Francisco State University.
Acknowledging and recovering from your mistakes sends a powerful message to your
child — it makes it easier for your child to accept his own
Celebrate the positive. Everyone responds
well to encouragement, so make an effort to acknowledge the good things your
child does every day within his earshot. For instance, tell his dad, "Joshua
washed all the vegetables for dinner." He'll get to bask in the glow of your
praise and his dad's heartening response. And be specific. Instead of saying
"Good job," say, "Thank you for waiting so patiently in line." This will enhance
his sense of accomplishment and self-worth and let him know exactly what he did
Listen well. If your child needs to talk, stop
and listen to what he has to say. He needs to know that his thoughts, feelings,
desires, and opinions matter. Help him get comfortable with his emotions by
labeling them. Say, "I understand you're sad because you have to say bye to your
school pals." By accepting his emotions without judgment, you validate his
feelings and show that you value what he has to say. If you share your own
feelings ("I'm excited about going to the zoo"), he'll gain confidence
expressing his own.
Resist comparisons. Comments such as
"Why can't you be more like your sister?" or "Why can't you be nice like Peter?"
will just remind your child of where he struggles in a way that fosters shame,
envy, and competition. Even positive comparisons, such as "You're the best
player" are potentially damaging because a child can find it hard to live up to
this image. If you let your child know you appreciate him for the unique
individual he is, he'll be more likely to value himself
Offer empathy. If your child compares himself
unfavorably to his siblings or peers ("Why can't I catch a ball
like Sophia?"), show him empathy and then emphasize one of his strengths. For
instance, say, "You're right. Sophia is good at catching. And you're good at
painting pictures." This can help your child learn that we all have strengths
and weaknesses, and that he doesn't have to be perfect to feel good about
Provide encouragement. Every child needs the
kind of support from loved ones that signals, "I believe in you. I see your
effort. Keep going!" Encouragement means acknowledging progress — not just
rewarding achievement. So if your preschooler is struggling to fasten his snaps,
say, "You're trying very hard and you almost have it!" instead of "Not like
that. Let me do it."
There's a difference between praise and
encouragement. One rewards the task while the other rewards the person ("You did
it!" rather than "I'm proud of you!"). Praise can make a child feel that he's
only "good" if he does something perfectly. Encouragement, on the other hand,
acknowledges the effort. "Tell me about your drawing. I see that you like
purple" is more helpful than saying, "That's the most beautiful picture I've
ever seen." Too much praise can sap self-esteem because it can create pressure
to perform and set up a continual need for approval from others. So dole out the
praise judiciously and offer encouragement liberally; it will your child grow up
to feel good about himself.