
2022-08-13 教育 87阅读
摄氏温标[Celsius temperature scale; 最好称为centigrade temperature scale]的规定是:在标准大气压(1013.25百帕斯卡)下,水(冰)的熔點為0度,水的沸點為100度,中間劃分為100等份,每等份為1℃。 Celsius原来创造这一温标时 將一大氣壓下的水的沸點規定為0℃,冰點訂為100℃,兩者間均分成100個刻度,和現行的摄氏温标剛好相反。 Celsius temperature scale , temperature scale according to which the temperature difference between the reference temperatures of the freezing and boiling points of water is divided into 100 degrees. The freezing point is taken as 0 degrees Celsius and the boiling point as 100 degrees Celsius. The Celsius scale is widely known as the centigrade scale because it is divided into 100 degrees. It is named for the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius, who established the scale in 1742. William Thomson Kelvin used it as the basis of his absolute temperature scale, now known as the Kelvin temperature scale, in 1848 (see also absolute zero). Temperatures on the Celsius scale can be converted to equivalent temperatures on the Fahrenheit temperature scale by multiplying the Celsius temperature by 9/5 and adding 32° to the result, according to the formula 9C/5+32=F. 参考文献: www.answers.com