初三13 -14上海版英语测试报全部答案,拜托了

2020-09-21 教育 106阅读
第21期 答案区 A2-A3版 悦读地带 1-5 ABABD 6-10 CACDB 完美完形 1-5 CABCA 6-10 DACAB 11-15 ACDBA 16-20 ACDCB 21-25 AABCD 句型地带 1-4 DBBD A4版 花季生活 1-5 FTFFF B1版 重点点拨 1-4 ACBD 5-8 CDCB B2-B3版 Ⅰ. 1-5 ACDBA 6-10 DCACB 11-15 CBACB 16-20 DADCA Ⅱ. 21-28 HIFBCDEA Ⅲ. 29. independent 30. darkness 31. asleep 32. compete 33. lucky 34. winner 35. difficulty 36. fifth Ⅳ. 37. didn’t; any 38. Have; made 39. did they 40. Why did 41. how to 42. will; unless 43. What a kind Ⅴ. 44-49 CBAADC 50-55 CDABCB 56. climate 57. planned 58. national 59. reducing 60. actively 61. spend 62. reach 63. True friendship is the communication of the hearts and understanding of the souls. 64. Because he thinks though it is tasteless, it is necessary for our body. 65. Powerful. 66. They should value the friendship they have. 67. It mainly talks about what true friendship is. 68. You should care about your friends. Ⅵ. One possible version: Pollution We often come across the word pollution in the newspapers. It is a serious threat to us. It means the poisoning of the air, seas, rivers and lands, which would do harm to our health. There are many factories that bring pollution to us. There is a lot of poisonous smoke coming from factories, especially chemical ones. In rivers, seas and oceans, there are industrial wastes. Besides, there is rubbish from ships and when sometimes an accident occurs in an ocean, oil flows out from tankers. On land, the accumulation of rubbish in the streets may pollute the city and ruin our health. We will fight against pollution, and protect ourselves. B4版 重点直播间 1-6 DDCBCA
第22期 答案区 A2-A3版 悦读地带 1-5 DBBDA 6-10 BACBC 完美完形 1-5 ADCAD 6-10 BABCC 11-15 CDACA 16-20 BBDAD 21-25 ADBCA 句型地带 1-2 CB A4版 花季生活 B B1版 重点点拨 1-4 BADC 5-10 ACDB B2-B3版 Ⅰ. 1-5 BDABA 6-10 BCADA 11-15 CADAA 16-20 DAACB Ⅱ. 21-28 GHCABEDI Ⅲ. 29. height 30. succeeded 31. fun 32. leaves 33. distant 34. imagination 35. truth 36. certain Ⅳ. 37. What; like 38. was cut 39. too; for 40. take place 41. rich enough 42. have you 43. How bright Ⅴ. 44-49 BACCAD 50-55 DDACAA 56. traditional 57. regard 58. married 59. couple 60. popular 61. remember 62. chance 63. No Crying or be sad on the First Day of Kindergarten 64. Growing up is hard, but it’s the parents who should help their children go it through. 65. Parents should be strong and set good examples. 66. They are going to have fun, meet new people, make friends, and just enjoy themselves. 67. Yes, it can. 68. Parents will explain to them that you’ll be back to pick them up or they’ll be brought home on the bus at a certain time. Ⅵ. One possible version: If I were a teacher If I were a teacher, I would not treat my students just as some know-nothing kids. I wouldn’t give them homework that can never be done. If I were a teacher, I would try my best to let them like me, not be afraid of me. I wouldn’t teach them just as if I were a sage. If I were a teacher, I would make friends with my students. I would respect them and understand them. If I were a teacher, I would make study a happy thing to my students, not a burden to them. B4版 重点直播间 1-6 BCADAC第23期 答案区 A2-A3版 悦读地带 1-5 CABDD 6-10 CBDBC 完美完形 1-5 DACDD 6-10 BADBA 11-15 BCDAC 16-20 BBBDC 21-25 BADCB 句型地带 1-4 BADD A4版 花季生活 1-5 ECBDA B1版 重点点拨 1- 6 ADBACC B2-B3版 Ⅰ. 1-5 CDBAB 6-10 DABCC 11-15 DCBAB 16-20 DACDD Ⅱ. 21-28 BEGHCFDI Ⅲ. 29. healthy 30. pollution 31. responsible 32. lives 33. impatient 34. wonderfully 35. countless 36. turning Ⅳ. 37. could she 38. Did; affect 39. were employed 40. Where has 41. enjoyed ourselves 42. which is 43. How cool Ⅴ. 44-49 ABABCD 50-55 DBBBAD 56. built 57. course 58. culture 59. quality 60. attend 61. pay 62. provide 63. Students should study hard and shouldn’t cheat. 64. Cheating by using the work of others is the same as ruining your life with drugs. 65. The students who are very lazy but want to get high marks in the exam. /The students who don’t study hard but want to get the reward. 66. We should make an effort for our education instead of taking the easy way out.67. Yes, it is. 68. Because we all have brains that we can use and our teachers, parents, and friends can help us. Ⅵ. One possible version: Opportunity and Success Opportunity is one of the elements of success. But opportunities don’t come often. And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success. Moreover, opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; therefore most people don’t recognize them. So if you want to achieve something, you must make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to you. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose. B4版 重点直播间 1-6 BCBDAD
第24期 答案区 A2-A3版 悦读地带 1-5 ACBDB 6-10 DBBDC 完美完形 1-5 AABDC 6-10 DACDC 11-15 ADDAD 16-20 BCCBB 21-25 ACBBB 句型地带 1-3 BCD A4版 花季生活 1-3 DBA B1版 重点点拨 1-6 DABCBC B2-B3版 Ⅰ. 1-5 DCBAC 6-10 ACABC 11-15 ACDAC 16-20 CBDCD Ⅱ. 21-28 EGHCABDI Ⅲ. 29. attracts 30. allow 31. runners 32. sale 33. alive 34. carelessness 35. second 36. invention Ⅳ. 37. Did; die 38. hasn’t been 39. didn’t she 40. is used 41. any other 42. How often 43. when; left Ⅴ. 44-49 DABDAC 50-55 BCDDDA 56. connected 57. either 58. difficult 59. chances 60. important 61. thought 62. warn 63. How to be a good teacher? 64. As far as nature is involved, the one quality a good teacher must have is patience. 65. A good teacher must have at least three qualities: enthusiasm, patience and responsibility. 66. Yes, he must. 67. Because students don’t understand something or may make mistakes. 68. No, he needn’t. Ⅵ. One possible version: Large Companies and Small Companies Upon graduation from college, young people face the first choice in their career life: to go to a large company or a small one? There are two basic differences between them. First, working in the small company, you have more chance to develop your communication ability and the ability to handle various kinds of personalities. In contrast, in a large company, you needn’t make any decision and can’t see the effect of your work. Second, in a small business you are normally exposed to all kinds of experiences and expected to do a great many things without too much help. But in the large corporation, since you are normally taught one thing and limited to one procedure, you may become an unimportant man. If you want to gain more experience and ability in business organizations and to become an excellent manager or executive in your future career, working in a small company first is your best choice. B4版 重点直播间 1-6 BCBADA 第25期 答案区 A2-A3版 悦读地带 1-5 CDBDC 6-10 DDBDD 完美完形 1-5 CBAAD 6-10 ABBAD 11-15 CBCBD 16-20 ABDAC 21-25 ACACA 句型地带 1-4 CBDA A4版 花季生活 1-3 BCA B1版 重点点拨 1-6 ACBDBA B2-B3版 Ⅰ. 1-5 ABDCB 6-10 AACBD 11-15 CCDBC 16-20 CDCAC Ⅱ. 21-28 CADIBEGH Ⅲ. 29. unaware 30. addition 31. visitors 32. amazing 33. pleasure 34. ninth 35. memory 36. different Ⅳ. 37. None; realize(s) 38. How long 39. How frightened 40. is allowed 41. Did; any 42. didn’t; until 43. what; do Ⅴ. 44-49 DACACD 50-55 DBABCB 56. starting 57. oldest 58. friendly 59. variety 60. well 61. share 62. similar 63. Feed Your Mind. 64. Because we keep it busy thinking about our friends or favourite stars. 65. Creativity gets a full stop. 66. Since it develops other aspects of our life, we have to take help from reading. 67. It can be actually solved through wide reading. 68. Yes, it has. Ⅵ. One possible version: Keeping a Diary in English Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. It can help us develop the habit of thinking in English. Almost all students don’t know what to write in English at the beginning. I had the same experience. But I just keep writing down everything happened to me. I will turn to a dictionary for help if I come across any words that I don’t know how to express. The second day, I just do the same. Then I keep on writing every day. I do understand that it needs time to get myself used to thinking in a different way. Time can prove my efforts will not end in vain. B4版 重点直播间 1-6 BCBADA 第26期 答案区A2-A3版悦读地带1-5 ACBDD 6-10DBBCD 完美完形1-5 ACDBB 6-10 CACDB 11-15 ABADB 16-20CBACB 21-25 DACAA 句型地带1-2 CDA4版花季生活1-3 AADB1版 重点点拨1-6 CBABDC B2-B3版I. 1-5 ACBCC 6-10AADDA11-15 DCDBD 16-20BBCAB Ⅱ. 21-28 GHCBEADIⅢ. 29.properly 30. kidnapper 31. robberies32. thieves 33.wider 34. yourselves35. injured 36.expense Ⅳ. 37. Do;climb 38.Why did 39. has been40. is published 41. how to 42. filledwith 43. how I can Ⅴ. 44-49 BCBDAD50-55 DDBCAB56. celebrated 57. wishes 58. gave 59. between 60.satisfied 61. live62. third 63.Weight. 64. 690. 65. Yes, they did. 66. Medical examinations. 67. The editor in chief of Ladies’ HomeJournal.68. Women should pay attention to theirhealth and have yearly physical examinations.Ⅵ. Onepossible version:Doing the houseworkIs it good for students to do some housework? Some people thinkstudents need not do any housework. They think the only thing students need dois to study well. I don’t think so. It is good for students to do somehousework for three reasons.Firstly, to do some housework can make us independent. We can’tdepend on others all our lives. So, we should learn to do some housework now.Secondly, to do some housework can keep ushealthy and strong; some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physicalexercise.Finally, to do some housework can share our parents’ work. They mustbe happy if we say“Have a rest, and I will do the housework.”So I think it is good for students to do some housework.B4版重点直播间1-6 CACDBB