
2020-05-28 娱乐 513阅读
The beach
版本一: 莱昂纳多所饰演的美国年轻人,平时酷好优游网络世界寻找刺激! 有一天,他找到了旅行社提供的便宜旅程,于是决定到泰国寻找在网路上得知的人间天堂--海滩。 在他投宿的三流旅馆中,他意外地看上了一个法国女孩(维吉妮·拉朵嫣饰演),不料该女孩有男友陪同,他只能幸幸遥望……。 有一天,一个诡异的光头佬(罗勃卡·莱尔饰演)对莱昂纳多透露一些莫名的秘密后,未久即遭横祸,只留下一张神秘地图。好奇的莱昂纳多开始寻线追循,并相信的确有个天上人间般的海滩。他试着说服法国男女友同行,同时也拷贝了一份地图供另外的人一起前去探险。 他们终于克服了种种障碍来到疑似海滩乐园的地方,然而面对他们的除了一大片大麻田之外,就是个持枪的猎人,在奔逃之馀,终于来到传说的海滩…… 各形各色的人聚集在一起过着单纯而原始的生活,然而看似平静的生活,随着一件件意外及秘密的迸发,而进入心惊胆跳的日子中……莱昂纳多,一个虽然被宠爱却又被算计着的青年,该如何冲破层层危机?并与所爱慕的人在一起呢? 他之前所另行拷贝的地图又会带来什么样的灾厄? 版本二: 描述美国记者李察到泰国度假,偶然从旅馆获得一张神秘地图,遂跟一对途中遇上的法国情侣共同找寻传说中的人间乐土。原来在那里已有一批先觉者组成社区,生活其中,他们为了享受原始的逍遥生活而跟在岛上种植大麻的当地农民订下协议,不能对外透露踪迹。然而,失落的地图引诱了四名男女前来冒险,农民用暴力将他们的社区解散。
一句话评论: Innocence never lasts forever. Somewhere on this planet it must exist. Paradise Found - Innocence Lost It's the experience that matters It really was some kind of paradise 幕后制作: 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥紧接着《泰坦尼克》走红后的新作,由《猜火车》导演执导。本片借用荒野冒险片的类型,表达回归自然的主题,但欠缺峰回路转的发展和扣人心弦的危机,对于人性的探讨非常浅薄。
制作公司: Figment Films [英国] 发行公司: 20世纪福克斯家庭娱乐公司 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment [巴西] ..... (Brazil) (DVD) 20世纪福克斯公司 20th Century Fox [日本] ..... (Far East) 20世纪福克斯德国分公司 20th Century Fox of Germany [德国] ..... (Germany) Filmes Castello Lopes [葡萄牙] ..... (Portugal) 20世纪福克斯电影公司 Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation [美国] ..... (worldwide) UGC-Fox Distribution (UFD) [法国] ..... (France) 特技制作公司: Bionic Digital [英国] ..... (computer graphics) (as Bionic Digital Ltd.) Framestore Ltd. [英国] ..... (additional digital effects) (as Framestore) Pennicott Payne Ltd. [英国] ..... (shark design) The Computer Film Company [英国] ..... (digital visual effects) 其它公司: AFM Lighting Ltd. [英国] ..... lighting rental facility ARRI Media [英国] ..... camera and grip equipment Air Studios [英国] ..... score recorded and mixed at Angel Studios [英国] ..... score recorded and mixed at BBVC/Kelly's Eye Ltd. [英国] ..... video assist equipment Blowup [英国] ..... stills laboratory Camera Revolution Ltd. ..... libra stabilised head Cine Image Film Opticals Ltd. [英国] ..... (digital front and end titles) (subtitles) Dakota Music Services ..... music preparation Flying Cam Inc. ..... close range aerial photography (as Flying-Cam Inc.) Flying Pictures ..... aerial services (as Flying Pictures Ltd.) Goldcrest Post Production Facilities [英国] ..... adr recorded at London Records ..... soundtrack published by Midnight Transfer [英国] ..... telecine transfers Peerless ..... opticals (as Peerless) Pinewood Studios Ltd. [英国] ..... foley recorded at Reel Sound Ltd. [英国] ..... sound post-production (as Reelsound Ltd.) Salon Ltd. [英国] ..... post-production Santa International Film Productions Co. Ltd. [泰国] ..... production services: Thailand Shepperton Studios Ltd. [英国] ..... sound re-recorded at (as Shepperton Studios) Steeple Post Production Services [英国] ..... post-production consultancy (as Steeple Post Production Services Ltd.) Studio 51 ..... opticals Sylvia Wheeler Film Services [英国] ..... negative cutting (as Sylvia Wheeler Film Services Ltd.) Sylvia Young School ..... children's choir (as The Sylvia Youn Theatre School) Syncspeed Post Prod [英国] ..... sound transfers (as Synxspeed Post Production Ltd.) Technicolor [英国] ..... color timing Tomato Films Ltd. [英国] ..... titles (as Tomato) VS Service Ltd. [泰国] ..... additional lighting equipment (as VS Services Ltd. Partnership) Wescam USA Inc. [美国] ..... wescam provided by (as Wescam Incorporated)
当艾力克葛蓝的小说《海滩》于1996年出版后,马上在书评界获得一片好评,如,纽约时报的书评说:“令人惊讶的天才作品!”;书单书评说:“充满想像力的作品,融合了电影名作《现代启示录》般的丰富意念。” 如潮的佳评并未吸引以《猜火车》崛起影坛的导演,丹尼鲍尔之注意,还是他的朋友强力推荐下《海滩》这本书中的惊人意象:“一个与世绝缘的岛上,有一个秘密组织”,这才引起丹尼鲍尔的好奇。 丹尼鲍尔说:“《海滩》这本书的成功在于大家的推荐,因为《海滩》的议题能对现代人引起共鸣,因为《海滩》说出了一个重点:自然不是人类想改造就能改造的!看过《海滩》的人虽然都会拿来与经典名著《苍蝇王》来做比较,但是《海滩》的文字以及意象上的处理,却也是极佳的,难怪读者会对《海滩》的评价如此高。”