text language 是什么意思,请具体解释

2023-05-12 综合 29阅读

* be becomes b
* because becomes cause
* see becomes c
* the becomes da, de or d
* okay becomes k
* are becomes r
* you becomes u
* with becomes wit
* without becomes w/o
* why becomes y
* oh becomes o
* see ya becomes cya

* ate becomes 8
* for becomes 4
* to or too becomes 2
* won becomes 1

* ate becomes 8, so:
o great becomes gr8
o mate becomes m8
o wait becomes w8
o later becomes l8r or l8a
o skate becomes sk8
o skater becomes sk8r
* tomorrow becomes 2mro
* for or fore becomes 4, so:
o before becomes (combining both of the above) b4
o therefore becomes thr4
* once becomes 1ce
* and becomes &, nd

* Your and You're become ur, yr, or u're

As far as I know = afaik
Age/Sex/Location = a/s/l or asl
As soon as possible = ASAP
At the moment = atm
Be right back = brb
By the way = btw
For your Information = FYI
Got to go = g2g or gtg
Great = gr8
I don't know = idk
I love you = ily or i<3u
In my humble/honest opinion = imho
In my opinion = imo
Just kidding or Joking = jk
Laughing out loud = lol
Laughing my ass off = lmao
Later = l8r
Oh my God/gosh = omg
Rolling on the floor laughing = rofl
Take care = tc
Talk to you later = tty l8r or ttyl or t2yl
What the fuck? = wtf