
2022-08-15 社会 121阅读
自食其力[zì shí qí lì]
1. [劳经] earn one's own living
2. stand on one's own feet
3. cut one's own grass
4. hoe one's own row
· 1. 自食其力: on one's own | stand on one's feet | Support oneself | earn one's salt
· 2. 依自食其力: by oneself
· 3. 自食其力经济: DIY economy
· 1.举个例子,我的理发师是一位聪明漂亮,自食其力的女士,拥有自己的生意:她是位老手。
Take my barber, for instance. She's a smart lady, independent, with her own business: She's been around.
· 3.刘华说:“掌握驾驶技能确实很有必要,但更为重要的是,学生应该学会如何自食其力获取自己想要的东西,而不是总要依靠父母。”
“It is necessary to master the skill of driving, but more importantly, students should learn how to earn what they want by themselves, not always depend on parents.” said Liu.