
2022-08-11 教育 122阅读
It is reported that our city will increase some new taxies to satisfy the increasing demand of taxi services. As is known to all, every coin has two sides.
It’s true that there are some advantages about it. First it can avoid being crowded on the bus. Second, it can reduce the pressure of going to work far away from home. Third, it is very convenient for those who like traveling. Because they can go where ever they want. The life will be more and more convenient with more taxies.
However, there are also some disadvantages. First, the road will become busier and busier and too many taxies will cause traffic jam and traffic accident. Second, the pollution will become more and more serious. Heavy pollution is harm to the environments and our health. In my opinion, it’s better to increase more buses, widen the roads and build more subways. It can reduce pollutions and it can also improve the traffics. If it’s very convenient to go out, we will prefer to take the public traffics.
