在英语口语课上,你班学生讨论了中学生追求时尚的看法 英语作文 英语作文

2020-06-26 教育 126阅读


     Nowadays, many students in middle school ask their parents to buy them famous brand clothes, modern cellphones and fashionable MP4 players, etc. They ask for these things in order to follow the fashion.    

     Most teachers and parents think it’s not right for middle school students to spend so much money on these luxurious things.

    Firstly, it does not fit in with the idea of building an economical society.      

    Secondly, as students, they should concentrate on their studies and not pay too much attention to fashion.

   Finally, it’s not easy for their parents to support them during their school education. So, they shouldn’t spend too much money on these expensive things.


  1. 这种现象与创建节约型社会不符;    

  2. 学生应集中精力于学习上;

  3. 学生应体谅父母的钱来之不易。
