as the saying goes是什么意思

2020-05-22 教育 3029阅读
一、as the saying goes的含义是:常言道;语云;
1.As the saying goes, "There's no smoke without fire."
2." There's no smoke without fire ", as the saying goes.
常言道: “ 无风不起浪. ”
3.As the saying goes , a man depends upon his parents at home and upon his friends abroad. It's really true.
人说:在家靠父母, 出门靠朋友,这话不错。
4There's a saying that goes: “ When you're up to your neck in alligators, it's hard to remember that you were there to drain the swamp. ” As pressure is applied, something has to give, and we tend to neglect those things that do not provide immediate relief& we just attack the alligators.
5This almost goes without saying, but as the developers implement the service, the service must pass the service tests.
1as the old saying goes
正如谚语所说 雅思口语:必备高... ... As the proverbs goes…;As the old saying goes… 正如谚语所说 Believe it or not 信不信由你,你爱信不信.
2as the saying goes the early bird
as the saying goes the early bird catches the worm .豆腐的做法要格外的细心,把豆浆烧开后,放一会儿,使其不要太热;
3as the common saying goes
常言说 as the common saying goes , " Every man alive has a duty to his country . "常言说:“天下兴亡,匹夫有责。”