圣诞节的由来 只限40~50字

2020-09-13 文化 76阅读
从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期。节日期间,各国基督教徒都举行隆重的纪念仪式。圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日,由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,类 是西方似我国过春节。
●Origin of Christmas●
The annual December 25, the day Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus, known as Christmas.
From December 24 to January 6 next year as the Christmas festival. During the holiday season, Christians are countries held a grand ceremony. Originally, Christmas is a Christian holiday, because of people's attention, it has become a national festival. most of the year, a grand national holiday, and New Year saying that the West is the likelihood of China's Spring Festival.
Westerners with red, green and white color color for Christmas, Christmas comes to every household decorated with Christmas color. Christmas is Christmas flowers and red candles. Green is a Christmas tree. It is the main Christmas decorations, and the felling of fir, Bo was a decorated evergreen tree from the tower. Hanging above the colorful lanterns, gifts and paper flowers, candles lit with Christmas.
Within the red and white Santa Claus, he is the most popular figures in the Christmas activities. Children in the West before Christmas Eve, just before going to sleep, adjacent to the fireplace before putting a pillow or socks waiting for Santa Claus after the gifts in their sleep with socks on. In the West, it is a custom to play Santa Claus.
"Christmas" is the name of "Christ Mass" beautiful word. Mass in a church worship ceremony. Christmas Day is a religious festival. We regard it as the birth of Jesus to celebrate Christmas Day Known as a result. On this day, all the world's Christians will hold a special worship ceremony. But many do not have the slightest bit of Christmas celebrations and religious association. The exchange of gifts, send cards, which have become a so celebrate the Christmas.
Is a story of the birth of Jesus, Jesus became pregnant because of the Holy Ghost, born of Mary curricula. God sent emissaries Shiao-Yu Lin Gabriel Joseph in a dream, asking him not to unmarried pregnant and not because she Mallia, Instead of having her, the children and renamed it the "Jesus", which means he is out to save the people from evil.
When Mary is about Linpan time, the government in Rome under the orders must declare to all the people of Bethlehem residence. Yes, but Mary and Joseph.
They arrived in Bethlehem, it's already faint, only two failed to find places where they slept at night hotel, an equestrian can only refuge. It was at that time that Jesus was born to! Only then Mary in the manger, the birth of Jesus. After the man commemorate the birth of Christ, is set for December 25 Christmas every year at mass to mark the birth of Jesus.
Christmas is on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Christ, but no one knows the real birth day. 19th century, the cards pandemic, the emergence of Santa Claus, Christmas also began to slip.