I found a sign which said,'Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be porsecuted!'

2020-04-20 教育 156阅读
1 which said,'Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be porsecuted!'
2 .'Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be porsecuted!'
3 这个定语从句,拆分成两句话如下:
Anyone leaves litter in these woods.
Anyone will be porsecuted!
直接Anyone leaves litter in these woods will be porsecuted是不可以。因为同一个简单句里面出现了两个谓语动词(leaves和 will be porsecuted)。 加一个who就成为定语从句了。
4 'Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be porsecuted!不是一个主语从句,而是一个定语从句。who leaves litter in these woods是从句,修饰anyone.
5 主语从句可以前面用THAT引导, 比如 The news that Tom is now in our school is not true. (明星)Tom现在就在我们学校的新闻,不是真的。
6 that anyone leaves litter in these woods will be porsecuted!这样不可以的。谁是主语呢?that又是指代什么呢? 哈哈!
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