
2020-10-16 教育 228阅读
原句:Many teenagers don't get along well with their parents and they don't know what to do. If you face such a problem, what I am saying now might be helpful to you. Have you ever thought of talking to your parents to find out why you do not get along well with each other? When I was a teenager, I did not get on well with my parents, either. We sometimes argued with each other. ……Try your best to get along well with your parents.
get along well with与…相处融洽
what to do干吗
helpful to有助于; 对…有帮助
get along well with each other以石投水
get on well with与…相处融洽
with each other厮
four girls四姑娘山
communicate with与…联系,与…交往; 与…相通
for anything无论如何
As a result结果, 因此