
2020-09-20 教育 94阅读
My favorite sport is running,so my favorite althlete is Liu Xiang,he run fast,he was the Champion in the Olympics Games in Athens.then he was injured,he lose the game,but he is still the bestrunner in my heart,and now,i run every day,running is good for teenager,running every day can make our body strong,and we are not easy to fall ill我最喜欢的运动时跑步,所以我最喜欢的运动员是刘翔,他跑得非常快,他曾经是雅典奥运会的冠军,后来他受伤了,输掉了比赛,但是他仍然是我心中最棒的运动员,现在,我每天跑步,跑步对青少年很好,跑步能使我们身体强壮和不容易得病