
2020-09-19 教育 86阅读
The ABO blood group is the phenotype of a client's blood resulting from genetic inheritance.The four most common phenotypes are A,B,AB,and O,referring to the type of antigen is present(Rh positive)or absent(Rh negative)on the surface of a client's red blood cells,Routine testing usually involves only the Rh(D) antigen.if an Rh-negative clinet receives Rh-positive blood,he or she will develop Rh antibodies,and future Rh-positive transfusions may cause a transfusion reaction .in pregnancy,antibodies from an Rh-negative mother may hemolyze fetal(erythroblastosis fetalis,or hemolytic disease of the newborn).This test determines the specific ABO phenotype and Rh type by determining which A and B red blood cell antigens are present as well as whether the Rho(D) antigen is present
这个ABO血型是表型的客户的血液造成的遗传基因的. 四种最普遍的表现型是A、B、AB、阿,这类型的抗原(Rh正面)或(Rh阴性)表面上的一个客户的红血球、常规测试通常涉及到只有Rh(D)antigen.if准备一Rh-positive接受血液,跟他或她将发展Rh抗体和未来的Rh-positive输血可能引起输血反应,在怀孕期间的母亲可能会产生抗体hemolyze北京(erythroblastosis fetalis或胎儿的新生儿疾病溶血试验确定具体).表型和Rh血型决定哪一类型的血红细胞抗原(A)和(B)以及是否存在的隔离(D)抗原是否存在