
2020-04-24 教育 235阅读
  “心若向阳,无畏悲伤”用英语怎么翻译?本句的意思:1]如果我们的心思可以示人,我们就没有必要悲伤2]如果我们光明磊落,我们就没有必要悲伤3更加简单的:如果我们没有坏心思,我们就没有必要悲伤知道意思,就可以用最简单的词翻译出来了:1] If we can show others what we think about, we don't need to be sad for what we are doing2] If we are sure we are doing something good, we need not feel sorry for anything 3] If we do not have bad ideas, we don't need to feel sad绝对不要翻译成:If our hearts are facing the sun, we do not need to feel sad。
  If our hearts are turning to the sun, we do not need to feel sad。