帮忙写英语作文,题目是《My Children's Day》

2020-06-21 教育 132阅读
I still remember my last a LiuYiJie, that's a sunny day.
The sixth grade, last a LiuYiJie, the teacher say later to top junior high school, won't be again in had a holiday. After hearing the words, have a heart of say a sad.
Morning, afternoon for half the class also go to see a movie.
Home for lunch, mother took out a set of new skirt to change, when I went back to five hair moneys. To know that I have never independent take change. Extremely delighted the door, on his way to the cinema has a shortcut, is stepped on a big water pipe walk, usually never fall from water pipe, it happened that day, on the foot slipped on the w. p. a., from the water pipe down, just wear upper-body red skirt with mud, hem knee also broke. The side go home to change old clothes, also be mother's good scold. Quick go out and find the heart has been chuai in the five hair moneys was gone, dare not to be quiet and ran to the ShuiGuanChu disorderly looking for, I finally found in the mud.
Late for the film, remember is the "musical fang. At that time, feel very orthodox ideas like singing and dancing is raffish, just think of it, I found that I see the teacher how so fascinated, teacher disappointment to the fullest to at once.
After watching the movie, very proud in the classmates envy eyes bought an ice cream, reluctant to pull at eat stick out your tongue, drop by drop down to answer the melt water, sweet milk taste so far unforgettable.
Nights of sleep fan fan the howl of, suddenly remember today is June 1, later I never LiuYiJie, and immediately began to cry, the in the mind a sentimental.





