
2020-05-30 教育 183阅读
ifficulties. Author of "music as his", the land bought. It seems to be the "sorrow" of the poor into their own "music". ". In fact, the contrary. Contact the author's own experience and the "snake catcher" and other things reflected in the situation, it is not difficult to see his mood at this time. As before, the landscape gardening, originally want to escape from reality, dispel melancholy, however sharp social contradictions, extended to the mountaintop wateaway their own, but did not know a large basket of only a small profit margins that had these by the book and handed over to the foreigners had.Therefore, everyone says that he is a traitor. watching, we see the Big Buddha, the first 35.5 meters high Buddha, 12 meters wide between thrside, how to escape. A in the attempt to change the dark reality and the exiles still must face the reality of political science, live in great extremity, his sadness cannot dispel. Then the author "Chong Qiyan, extension of the threshold, th