the windy shore 中文歌词

2020-05-23 情感 203阅读
the windy shore 风的海岸
A misty dawn is rising on this morning 在这个早晨即将迎来一个多雾的黎明
Inside of me a silent seed is growing 在我的内心一颗寂静的种子在发芽
The stormy clouds are crying out a known name 狂风暴雨的乌云在呼喊着一个熟悉的名字
The thunder calls, it’s coming on like bright flame 闪电轰鸣,仿佛即将到来的辉煌火焰
What would you do if you should feel 你会如何?如果你能听见他们正在呼唤你
they’re calling you?
The answer lies upon the windy shore of 答案在心中那片风的海岸
the heart

This lonely road I am walking on 我行走在一条孤独的路上
Where did it begin? Where will it end? 它从哪里开始?何处又是它的尽头?
And when the dark night comes 当漆黑的夜晚到来
Who will save my soul? 谁将拯救我的灵魂?
On my lonely road will I walk alone 是否我将独自踏上孤独之路?
I never feared darkness coming near 我从不惧怕即将到来的黑暗
Now I don’t know why I behold the sky 现在我不知为何凝视天空
To find the brightest star 去寻找最闪亮的星星
With it’s brilliant light 伴随着它闪亮的光辉
So I pray to thee, will you shine on me? 所以我向你祈祷,你的光芒将照耀我吗?
Mother Moonlight, fill my scared eyes如母亲般温柔的月光,填满了我惊慌的双眼
Light up my way with your brightest ray 您最耀眼的光芒将会点亮我的道路
Shining on everything through the clouds 透过云层照耀在世间万物
Take my hands till the morning will come.握紧我的双手直到晨曦的到来
This dusty road where I walk alone 我孤独的走在这条满是灰尘的道路
With my restless heart and my tired bones 相伴的只有我不安的心和疲惫的躯体
It’s going on and on 这是一条永无止境的路
But I know for sure 但我确信
That it’s leading me to the world of dreams 这是一条领导我通往梦想的道路
This lonely road I am walking on 我行走在一条孤独的路上
Where did it begin? Where will it end? 它从哪里开始?何处又是它的尽头?
And when the dark night comes 当黑暗的夜晚到来
Who will save my soul?谁将拯救我的灵魂?
On my lonely road will I walk alone? 是否我将独自踏上孤独之路 ?
I never feared darkness coming near 我从不惧怕即将到来的黑暗
Now I don’t know why I behold the sky 现在我不知为何凝视天空
To find the brightest star 去寻找最闪亮的星星
With it’s brilliant light 伴随着它闪亮的光辉
So I pray to thee, will you shine on me? 所以我向你祈祷,你的光芒将照耀我吗?
You are not alone你并不孤独
When you leave your home 当你远离你的家
And you’re far away 在远方流浪
On a dusty way 在一条满是尘土的道路
I will always care 我将会一如既往的关心着你
And I will be there 我将会来到你的身旁
Every time you call my name每当你念起我的名字