be going to be后便的be是什么意思?

2022-08-03 教育 209阅读
going to be是将来时态,是固定结构。
例如:I am going to be a doctor。(我将来想当医生)

不要将going to be 和will搞混了。

be going to 与 will 有如下几点区别:
1. be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:
He is going to write a letter tonight.
He will write a book one day.
2. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。
He is seriously ill. He is going to die.
He will be twenty years old.

3. be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如:
She is going to lend us her book.
He will be here in half an hour.
4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用will, 如:
If any beasts comes at you, I\'ll stay with you and help you.
