
2020-05-10 教育 121阅读
1. 单句理解型
The writer suggests that newspapers print items that are intended to
A. educate readers
B. meet their readers expectations
C. encourage feedback from their readers
D. mislead their readers
读题干,定位词是newspapers,看选项,D的逻辑有问题可以排除。接着找原文:Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants. 是不是等于B选项啊?所以答案就是B. 读懂原文一句话就可以了,比较简单吧!
2. 考举例意图
The writer quotes from the worldwide fund for nature to illustrate how
A. influential the mass media can be.
B. Effective environmental groups can be.
C. The mass media can help groups raise funds
D. Environmental groups can exaggerate their claims
原文对应的是:Understandably, perhaps, they sometimes overstate their arguments. In 1997, for example, the worldwide fund for nature issued a press release entitled: “ two thirds of the world’s forests lost forever”. The truth turns out to be nearer 20%.原文中世界自然基金是带fro example后作为例子出现,所以重点要看前面的观点句,就是:they sometimes overstate their arguments他们有时会夸大他们的主张,与D选项一致,所以答案为D。
3. 全段理解型
What does the writer say about America’s waste problem?
A. it will increase in line with population growth
B. it is not as important as we have been led to believe
C. it has been reduced through public awareness of the issue
D. it is only significant in certain areas of the country
原文:The fourth factor is poor individual perception. People worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff everyone throws away will cause the world to run out of places to dispose of waste. Yet, even if America’s trash output continues to rise as it has done in the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the rubbish America produces in the 21st century will still take up only one-12000th of the area of the entire US.原文的前半段讲的是人们的糟糕观念,认为地球会没有处理垃圾的地方了将来,后半边说即使关于美国的两个假设实现了,整个美国在21世纪生产的垃圾也只占国土面积的12000分之1,所以答案应该是B就是不像我们原来被引导的认为的那么严重。