flexible 后面的动词什么形式

2020-10-13 教育 80阅读
Verb Pattern 1
Time is money.
The dictionary is mine.
Wasting time is a bad habit.
Verb Pattern 2主语+系动词+表语(形容词/形容词短语)
Time is dangerous.
One thing is certain.
A good plan must be a little flexible.
用于这一句型的系动词主要有appear, be , become ,feel,get,go,grow,keep, look, prove , remain, seem,smell,sound,stay,taste 和 turn等。系动词appear ,seem 和prove 后面可加to be.
Verb Pattern 3主语+系动词+表语(副词/介词短语)
At last we were/got home.
The birthday party will be at nine.
The children are in the garden.
用于这一句型的系动词主要有be , feel,get和keep。
Verb Pattern 4主语+不及物动词
The moon rose.
His mother has left.
The telephone is ringing.
Verb Pattern 5主语+不及物动词+状语(副词/副词短语)
He speaks quickly.
She sings beautifully.
The boy played very well.
用于这一句型的动词一般不用于被动结构。Verb Pattern 6主语+短语动词
For 37 years, a new book of Andersen''s fairy tales came out each Christmas.
We should take care of public property.
He walk too fast. I couldn''t catch up with him.
Verb Pattern 7主语+及物动词+宾语(名词/名词短语/代词)
I believe him.
He is watching television.
Andersen had a beautiful high,clear voice.
除动词have, lack, fit, suit, resemble外,用于这一句型的其它动词均可用于被动结构,但主动结构更为自然。如:
The man was forgiven and comforted (by Andersen).
Verb Pattern 8主语+及物动词+宾语(that 从句)
The man also noticed that he was getting fat.
The old man said that he was sorry for what he had done.
It is widely believed that every word has a correct meaning.
Verb Pattern 9主语+及物动词+宾语(wh-/how/if/whether从句)
I don''t know whether it is true.
You can emagine what happened!
The small boy doesn''t even know how to read.
It was explained how dictionaries are made and how the editors arrive at definitions.
It couldn''t be decided (by the old man) which of his children to leave his money to.
Verb Pattern 10
I can''t afford to find that out.
The others pretended to sneeze.
I began to think about what he''s said to me.
2.用于这一句型的动词不能用于被动结构。Verb Pattern 11主语+及物动词+宾语(动名词短语)
I forgot closing the window.
We began shouting at each other.
1.用于这一句型的动词常用的有avoid, begin, consider, continue, dislike, enjoy, finish, forget, hate, like, love, remember, require, resist, start, stop,和try。
Verb Pattern 12主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补语(不定式短语)
I wish you to tell me the truth.
Henry asked his brother Colin to read out his will.
The job requires you to speak good English.
1.用于这一句型的动词有 allow, advise, expect, forbid, invite, hate, like, order, teach, tell, warn。
Andersen was told (by the prince) to learn a useful trade.
Verb Pattern 13主语+及物动词+宾语(带逻辑主语的动名词短语)
I don''t know him/his lending my money.
My mother forbids me/my smoking in the house.
I miss you/your bringing me cups of coffee at night.
1.动名词短语的逻辑主语可以是人称代词、名词、名词短语(如him, its, Tom, the students)或是比较正式的所有格形式(如his, Tom''s, the students'')。不表示人的代词或名词所有格则很少使用。如
I looked forward to its getting warm in spring.
We stopped the truck''s craching into the wall.
2.用于这一句型的动词主要有 admire, dislike, forbid, hate, imagine,justify, like, love, miss, prevent, recall, regret, remember, report, resent, stand, stop, undestand和urge。
Verb Pattern 14主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补语(形容词/形容词短语)
I''ll plead you guilty.
You will make yourself sick.
They all found the joke funny.
The medicine made the old man''s eyes weak.
This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up to date on your class assignments.
The old man''s eyes were made weak (by the medicine).
Verb Pattern 15主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补语(名词/名词短语)
I consider Linda my best friend.
Our teacher declared him the winner.
The boss made Mr. Brown chairman of the department.
He was declared the winner (by the teacher).Verb Pattern 16主语+宾语+宾语补语(介词/介词短语)
He placed the violin in a corner.
He put some small berries in his mouth.
Bob pointed a forefinger at each word in turn.
A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside.
He felt sweat oh his forehead, but he took the violin from the wall calmly.
The violin was placed in a corner (by him).
Verb Pattern 17
The jokes made my side ache.
Louise would not let anyone follow her.
One day they saw him put a lot of bread under his shirt.
Now and then the nurse heard him say a few gentle words.
We watched the tall figure cross the square and get onto a bus.
1.用于这一句型的动词多是感知动词(如feel, hear, see和watch)或是具有强制意义的动词(如have, help, let和make)。
2.动词help后的不定式标志to可有可无,help sb. to do sth.多见于英式英语,help sb. do sth. 多见于美式英语。
He was seen to put a lot of bread under his shirt one day.
Verb Pattern 18
The newspaper article set me thinking.
Louise could hear someone singing far away.
The Jewish man watched me trying to read that paper.
The men from the ship saw a strange object lying on the beach.
They found the young man wading through some marshes in a military exercise.
1.用于这一句型的动词一类是感知动词(catch, discover, feel, find, hear, leave, notice, observe, overhear, perceive, see, smell, spot, spy和watch),另一类是使役动词(get, have, keep, set和start)。
Iwas watched (by the Jewish man) trying to read that paper.
3.动词feel, hear, notice, see, observe, overhear和watch后既可接现在分词作补语,又可接不带to的不定式作补语,这二者的区别是:前者表示正在进行的动作,而后者则着重表示从头到尾的全过程。如:
She watched her son cross the road.
She watched her son crossing the road.
Verb Pattern 19
My father got his watch repaired.
I would like my bedroom cleaned.
The small boy has had his teeth fixed.
The young man had his hair dyed in a small barber's shop.
We would have most of the dishes cleared away by 11:00 or 11:15 p.m.
1.用于这一句型的动词为使役动词(get, have)、意愿动词(like, need, want)、感知动词(feel, hear, see, watch)和后接表示结果状态的过去分词(discover, find, leave).
His car was found abandoned.
Verb Pattern 20
Only love of life gave him strength.
The Thinking Machine handed Winthrop an envelope.
Andersen's father showed him a white woman-like figure.
David and his wife sent their unknown donor family letters.
The letters of instructions merely told my managers the costs of the various drills.
Andersen was shown an a white woman-like figure (by his father).
A white woman-like figure was shown to Andersen (by his father).Verb Pattern 21主语+及物动词+直接宾语+间接宾语(to/for+名词/名词短语/人称代词)
We sent a letter of thanks to him .
My mother poured a cup of coffee for the guest.
She has showed her expensive coat to all her friends.
Television presents to children a world that doesn’t exist.
The Thinking Machine handed the envelope to the secretary.
Her expensive coat has been showed to all her friends (by her).
Verb Pattern 22主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(that从句)
I warned Dennis that the paint was wet.
He promised me that he would study harder this semester.
Henry told the police that some students were digging a hole in hte road.
I told Professor Agassiz (that) I had enrolled my name in the scientific school as a student of natural history.
I was warned (by him) that the paint was wet.
Verb Pattern 23
I should teach you what is right.
He didn't tell us what really happened.
Bob asked the professor when he could leave the laboratory.
He didn't tell the students if/whether they could use a dictionary.
Could you show me how to use this machine?
1.用于这一句型的动词主要有advise, ask, inform, instruct, remind, show, teach, tell和warn。其中部分动词可用于被动结构,即将主动结构中的间接宾语变为被动结构中的主语。如:
The boy was told (by the woman) what the work was like.
Verb Pattern 24主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(to+名词/名词短语/人称代词)+宾语补语(不定式短语)
He motioned to me to sit down.
She beckoned(招手)to me to follow.
Henry nodded to the wine waiter to bring another cup of wine.
Verb Pattern 25主语+及物动词+间接宾语(to+名词/名词短语/人称代词)+直接宾语(wh-/how/if/ whether从句)
主语+及物动词+间接宾语(to+名词/名词短语/人称代词)+直接宾语(wh-/how/if/ whether不定式短语)
The manager indicated to me where I should sit / where to sit.
The headmaster explained to the new teachers what they should do next / what to do next.
My mother described to me how I should cook the fish / how to cook the fish.
2.用于这一句型里的部分动词可用于被动结构,一般用 it 作为形式主语,真正的主语置于曾是主动结构中的间接宾语之后。如:
It was explained to the new teachers ( by the headmaster) what they should do next / what to do next.
3.副词 why 不能引导不定式短语。