
2022-08-01 教育 155阅读

Ladies and gentlemen, Today, the Third China Baishan International Mineral Water Festival begins. On behalf of the one million , three hundred and thirty thousand people in Baishan City, I warmly welcome all the experts, leaders and friends from home and abroad present here. I convey my welcome and thanks to those people who have been caring for and supporting Baishan’s economic development.


Dear leaders, friends, ladies and gentlemen :

By International water resources protection organization, China federation of mining industry, environmental department of geology of Ministry and Natural Resources, Jilin Province Changbai Mountain mineral spring development and utilization of water resources work advance group, Jilin Province land and natural resources department, Jilin Province ecological food industry office, Baishan municipal government jointly hosts, office of leading group and people's government of Jilin Province " China Baishan international mineral spring festival ", now opens.

This mineral spring festival will lasts one month, regard " mineral spring , health , cooperation , development " as the theme , regard making the brand of international mineral spring city ofBai shan, building the international well-known city of mineral spring as the goal, launch activities such as the economy and trade , travel and culture ,etc. put up the internationalization and invite outside investment in the platform, speed up the development of white mountain economy, pushes white mountain to the world in an all-round way.

Here, On behalf of the Communist Party, municipal government committee , and people of all nationalities of Baishan city say warm welcome and hearty thanks. to every leader , every honoured guest and friends.

First of all , invite vice-president of Political consultative committee of Jilin ProvinceMr. Wei Minxue to announce the third China。Baishan international mineral spring festival opens