
2020-06-15 教育 508阅读


  • make的用法:



To quote from Albert Einstein, science is the attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our sense experience correspond to a logically uniform system of thought.



I was made to feel at ease.

The novel,Of Mice and Men,made the name of Steinbeck known throughout America.


Filth and high prices have combined to make London and other cities depressing places to live in.


We should make these materials of most value.


It was the determination that made life worth living for so many honest people.



The telescope made possible the observation of the far-off stars.



The primary aim of every punctuation mark is to make unmistakable the meanin

g of written words.


Mattes says:"but we will simply be making available to a wider public services that already exist.”



In order to make it easier for people to use computers,languages for writing programs have been devised.


The company made it questionable whether the equipment should be employed at all.


  • make 的许多固定短语。 
    1、make face (at sb.) (朝某人)做鬼脸 
    The gorilla was sitting on a chair and making faces at her. 
    2、be made of sth. 由……制造(能看出原料) 
    The desks are made of wood. be made from sth. 
    Paper is made from wood. 
    3、be made in some place 在某地制造 
    This kinds of fan is made in Japan. 
    4、make sth. into sth. 把……制成…… 
    Here the workers make glass into bottles. 
    5、make a mistake或make mistakes 犯错误 
    She made quite a few mistakes in the physics paper. 
    6、make a telephone call to sb. 给某人打个电话 
    Lili’s mother made a telephone call to her husband. 
    7、make good (full, better) use of sth. 好好(充分,更好)地利用 
    Now people have done much to make better use of the Changjiang. 
    8、make up one’s mind to do sth. 下定决心做某事 
    She has made up her mind to leave the factory. 
    9、make a plan 制定一个计划 
    Let’s help her to make a study plan. 
    10、make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友 
    She has made a lot of new friends since she came to China. 
    11、make one’s bed 整理床铺 
    Remember to make your bed after you get up. 
    12、make sure that + 宾语从句 / make sure of sth 确保 务必 
    She wants to make sure that there are no mistakes in it. 
    The teacher wanted us to make sure of the time. 
    13、make up 组成;占有 
    The old man and the boy made up a new family. 
    Water makes up the greater part of man’s body. 
    14、make it 规定时间 
    -Shall we meet at seven?
    -Let’s make it a little earlier. 
    The zoo is far from here.
