
2022-08-05 教育 103阅读
《撒哈拉的故事》是一系列以沙漠为背景的故事。 因为一本地理杂志的吸引,三毛背着行囊走进了荒凉单调的撒哈拉沙漠,在沙漠中寻找感受生活的真善美,书中每个故事都充溢着一种浪漫、浓情的异域情调,字里行间反映着大沙漠独有的地形地貌与风土人情。
"Sub story" is a series of desert as the background of thestory. Because attract a magazine, San Mao walked into thedesolate monotone Sahara desert a back pack, looking for the feeling of life beauty in the desert, each story in the book are filled with exotic a romance, passion, between the lines reflect the topography and the unique local customs and practices of big desert.