
2020-04-27 搞笑 109阅读
Hello everyone,today I'm very glad to be here to address a speech about joking. As we all feel, we are having a busy life -- busy working,busy studying,busy talking,busy eating,and even,busy falling asleep!In this rapid developing world,we have to be busy or we will fall behind others,but the busy life always bring us more or less some unpleasent,but luckyly,we have an easy but excelent way to deal with it,that is,to joke! A funny joke may relax our feelings,making the busy more enjoyable;a friendly joke may better the atmosphere when two people meet the first time;a humor joke can make others laugh while feeling you are a clever person. Joking is such a good thing,so remember to crack a joke and keep a happy mood in your busy life. Thanks. 中文意思:大家好,我很荣幸能在这里进行演讲,我的演讲内容是开玩笑的好处. 我们都能感觉到,我们生活得很忙碌:忙着工作,忙着学习,忙着说话,忙着进餐,甚至忙着入睡!在这个飞速发展的世界,我们不得不忙碌的生活,不然就会被淘汰,但是这种忙碌的生活有时多多少少给我们带来了一些不快.但是好在我们有一个简单但十分有效的方法来对付这种情绪,那就是开玩笑~! 一个有趣的笑话能让我们放松心情,让忙碌的生活增添乐趣;一个友好的笑话能缓解两人初次见面时的尴尬气氛;一个幽默的笑话在取悦大家的同时还能让你在别人心中成为一个聪明的人. 开玩笑的好处如此之多,那么让我们时刻记得开开玩笑,保持一颗快乐的心~ 谢谢.