1.中核集团展厅 Design of China National Nuclear Group Exhibition Hall
2.伊春市城市规划展览馆 Yichun city planning exhibition hall
3.沙河规划展览馆 Design of Shahe Planning Exhibition Hall
4.海湾集团展厅 Design of GST Exhibition Hall
5.保定规划展览馆 Design of Baoding Planning Exhibition Hall
6.新奥集团展厅 Design of ENN Exhibition Hall
7.中石油冀东展厅 Design of CNPC East Hebei Exhibition Hall
8.淄博工程学院展厅 Design of Zibo University Of Technology Exhibition Hall
9.太原重型机器集团展厅 Design of Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group Exhibition Hall
10.乌海科技馆 Design of Wuhai Science and Technology Museum
11.石家庄印钞厂展厅 Design of BPMC Exhibition Hall
12.德胜门地震馆 Design of Deshengmen Earthquake Museum
13.亦庄开发区 Design of Beijing Economic-technological Development Area Exhibition Hall
14.国家统计局 Design of China Bureau of Statistics of China Exhibition Hall
15.云南城投展厅 Design of Yunnan Metropolitan Construction Investment Exhibition Hall
16.神华集团企业展厅Shenhua group enterprise
17.中国移动陈列室 Design of China Mobile Exhibition Hall
18.北京农林科学院展厅 Design of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science Exhibition Hall
19.邢台规划展览馆 Design of Xingtai Planning Exhibition Hall
20.可口可乐展厅 Design of Coca-Cola Exhibition Hall
21.国家电网德州供电公司展厅Texas state grid electric power supply company showrooms
22.张家口三年大变样规划展览馆 Design of Zhangjiakou Planning Exhibition Hall
23.中国石化齐鲁石化展厅 Design of QPEC Exhibition Hall
24.中国兵器集团展厅 China north group exhibition hall
25.北京首都机场展厅 Design of Beijing Capital Airport Exhibition Hall
26.北京动物园展厅 Design of Beijing Zoo Exhibition Hall
27.邯郸市规划展览馆 Design of Handan Planning Exhibition Hall
28.磁县规划展览馆 Design of Cixian Planning Exhibition Hall
29.唐山市城市展览馆 Design of Tangshan Exhibition Hall
30.张家口西山产业集聚区展厅 Design of Zhangjiakou Xishan Industrial Cluster Zone Exhibition Hall
31.伊泰集团企业展馆Yitai group corporate pavilions
32.中国石油寰球工程总公司展厅China petroleum and the exhibition engineering corporation
33.中铁集团企业展厅 China railway group enterprise