
2020-06-06 教育 132阅读
故事的主人翁是一个叫希卡普的维京少年,他住在博克岛,对抗巨龙是家常便饭的事。这个少年的思想很前卫,他另类的幽默感也不能讨好他的村落的村民和大家长。当希卡普被迫和其他的维京青少年——亚丝翠、鼻涕粗、鱼脚司,以及双胞胎暴芙那特和悍夫那特参加屠龙训练营,他就觉得这是他证明自己是个屠龙高手的好机会。但是当他遇到并结交了一只受伤的龙,他的人生就完全改变,而原本是希卡普证明自己的机会,却成为改变整个部落的未来的机会。片中另外一个重要角色是戈伯,他是村落的铁匠和驯龙训练营教官,只有他看出希卡普的潜力。The hero of the story is a Viking teenager named Shikap, who lived in the bok Island, against the dragon is homely food. The boy thought very avant-garde, his offbeat sense of humor can't please his village and parents. When Shikap was forced to and other Viking youth -- Diaz Cui, nose thick, fish foot division, and the twins, the men in the storm and in dragon training camp, he feels this is proof that he is a good opportunity to dragon master.
But when he met and made friends with a wounded dragon, his life changed completely, while the original is Shikap a chance to prove himself, but be changed the whole tribe of future opportunities. Another important role of the film is the Gerber, he is a village blacksmith and dragon training camp instructor, only he saw Shikap's potential.