“2-competitive algorithm”如何翻译?

2020-10-15 教育 42阅读
k-competitive 通常用于描述实时算法的时间性能。若一个问题的在线算法的(时间)性能为Pn、其最优的离线算法性能为Pf,则当 Pn / Pf <= k对于任何输入序列都满足的话,则称该在线算法是k-competitive。
“An algorithm is said to be on-line if it receives its input in a sequence of requests, and must service each request as it arrives, without any knowledge of the future. (Many fundamental problems in computer science are inherently online, including memory management, processor scheduling, load balancing and routing. )
An on-line algorithm is said to be c-competitive if on each input its performanceis within a factor of c of the performance of the optimal off-line algorithm on that input. ”