additional services是什么意思

2020-04-20 教育 76阅读
additional services
1. The additional services will offer passengers the convenience of and evening departures.
2. Providing additional services: Customers no longer just require the short - term provision of single products or articles.
提供更多的服务: 客户不再仅仅要求 短期 提供单一的产品或物品.
3. We are committed to flexibility in tailoring additional services and products to your business needs.
4. Well, you go, I do not need additional services and tips on the table.
好了, 你走吧, 我已经不需要额外服务了,小费在桌上.
5. Hense the following methods have been adopted : improvement of the anesthesiologists, skills; delivery of some additional services.
具体做法是: 提高自身素质, 提高麻醉医师的技术技能; 开展新的服务项目.