Alamode - 上帝模式
PackNHeat - 获得游戏中所有摧毁性武器
PayLoad - 现有武器获得大量弹药
IAmSoLame - 获得所有武器,最大弹药及无敌
PiggyTreats - 获得大量圈饼
JewsForJesus - 获得现金
BoyAndHisDog - 获得狗食
Jones - 获得健康管
SwimWithFishes - 获得雷达相关部件
FireInYourHole - 开启火箭相机功能
IAmTheOne - 获得大量猫薄荷
LotsAPussy - Gives player lots of cats (for use as silencers)
BlockMyAss - 获得护具
SmackDatAss - 获得嵌心狭辫带装
IAmTheLaw - 获得警察装
Healthful - 获得4个医务箱,及生命全满
Whatchutalkinbout - 把所有非玩家及旁观小兵变成 Gary Colemans
Oasma - 把所有非玩家及旁观小兵变成Fanatacs
RockinCats - Change any guns that can use cats as silencers to have
a cat on them and the cat will shoot off everytime and a new
one will magically appear
DokkinCats - Removes cat repeating guns (turns them back to normal)
IFeelFree - 幻象模式(可开关)
LikeABirdy - 飞行模式(可开关)
Fly - ?
Walk - ?
Slowmo (number) - 设置速度